Friday, October 16, 2009

I say like too much

A post in which I find word clouds, which the rest of the internet has known about for a long time.

Oooh, look at this cool word cloud that I made at

This is a visual representation of the things that I talk about on this blog. I think we can learn a couple of things from this nifty looking word cloud. First of all it would appear that I am overly reliant on the words ‘just’ and ‘like’ but fear not, I will use my handy thesaurus to help me eliminate those awful words from this post. (Update: No I won’t. I tried to do it, but like, I’m like a 14 year old girl or something because, like, I just can’t write without the word like. I guess it’s like a crutch or something, so now I’m all like ‘you totally can’t write without the word like.’ Instead what I’m going to do is overuse the word like in this post so that next time you come back and read another post you’ll be like, ‘wow Ian has totally cut down on using the word like since the last time I read his blog, I like this much better.’) Secondly, is no one from Propel paying any attention to this blog? This word cloud merely furthers my argument that Propel should be paying me some kind of stipend or something.

I actually feel kind of vindicated that race, marathon, run and running are as big as they are. It’s like I have proof that this really is a running blog. I’m a little disappointed that the word bacon is so small, I feel like that’s a subject that deserves more of my attention. Also, why did wordle put faster right next to Candis’ name? Just what are you trying to tell me wordle?

Have a great weekend everyone, and good luck to all those who are racing. I’ll catch you on the flip side with a post about what it’s like to run a race for fun.


  1. If this word cloud was used in some psychoanalytical way, well, you'd just be screwed.

  2. It put Candis right next to "guys," too - should you be suspicious?

  3. Maybe I don't read your blog often enough. I noticed that 'Enhanced' is fairly large and I haven't been seeing the posts about 'enhancing things' at all.

  4. Hmmmm... the fact that 'marathon' precedes 'car' casts a bit of a shadow of suspicion on your PF Chang performance.
    Have fun this weekend and good luck to Candis!

  5. Mine will likely include many "likes" as well!

    Have a great race!

  6. Again with the free advertising for Propel. When are they going to wake up and see what a find they have in you?

    Have a good race!

  7. I must say "like" every other word. But I dont type it. Thats why I no longer use verbal communication. I hate sounding like an idiot.

  8. Yes, I agree, bacon is so much more important than other things...

  9. Cool word cloud - although it kinda looks more like a footprint, yes? Which makes sense, as you are a runner and not a meteorologist.

    If I did one it'd be sure to say "chafe", "slow", "asserole" and "sobbing". Man, I hate running.

  10. way fun, apparently I say "JUST" a lot. huh.

  11. Ha! That's hilarious. I do like the cloud though. Seems mostly relevant; I've done some before that some out VERY unexpected.

  12. Like that is pretty funny. I love the cloud. Very telling... You would think you would have a lifetime supply of propel based on the cloud alone.

  13. I just spent 10 minutes of my life on that site. And I'll never get that time back. Thanks Ian, thanks a lot.


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