Friday, May 23, 2008


Just a couple of housekeeping items today. First, I don’t think Candis ever posted her goal time for the Bolder Boulder. What’s up with that? I put myself out there with a 50:00 minute goal and she just tries to slide by with a post about how much tapering sucks? I won’t stand for it. Allow me to tell you what her goal is for the Bolder Boulder 10K on Monday: 1:06:30 (10:40 pace). Of course, I don’t particularly feel like this will be much of a stretch for her. She ran her St. Paddy’s day 5K at a 10:15 pace and has since zipped through a significant amount of speedwork as part of the FIRST training program. Personally, I think that she can get a lot closer to 10 minute miles, a 1:02:00 race time and since that’s so close to the 1 hour mark I’m going to go ahead and announce that as her goal time. 1 hour.

Second, if anyone is going to be at the Bolder Boulder on race day, Candis and I will be running in the FC wave (as in Fail Completely) which means we should finish somewhere around 8:30am. We’re meeting up with some friends and anyone who wants to stop by the stadium afterwards in section 108. I’ll be wearing a white shirt and probably this sweaty Red Sox hat, Candis will also be wearing a Red Sox hat or visor along with her Kiss My Asthma shirt. If you can’t find us, then look for the two most beautiful people in the section, we’ll try to sit right behind them. Or just stand in the middle of section 108 and yell “Yo Vanilla!” at the top of your lungs. I’ll be the one laughing at you, but don’t let that deter you from stopping by to say hi.

Stadium Map (click to enlarge)

Enjoy your 3 day weekend everyone. I’ll have the Weekend Splits post tomorrow, and then a detailed list of excuses race report for you on Tuesday.


  1. Best of luck on your goal as well as your goal for Candis.

    Can't wait for the report. You running with any "celebrities" in this race?

  2. Good luck to the both of you. Have a great holiday weekend.

  3. Get out there and kick some butt! Advanced congratulations.

  4. Good luck to you both! Even though I know Candis should smoke her goal time.

  5. Good luck and have a great time!!

  6. Good luck you guys! I wish i could run that race too!!! I'll be by to check for the report!!!!!

    Have F-U-N!!!!!

  7. you're setting other people's goals too?

  8. Good luck . . . .remember the saftey pins may or may not rip the slip & slide & they may or may not jab into you while sliding.

    Way to out Candis on her surprise super fast 10K!!! :o) jk

    AMybe next year she'll be so fast with the FIRST program that she'll be in under 50 minutes!!!! How cool would that be?!?!?

    Good luck to you both!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Good luck! Hope you guys are OK and don't have to run around, through, or over any tornado damage.

  11. Best of luck to Mr. and Mrs. Vanilla. I know both of you have been training hard for this race! Have fun out there!

  12. Good luck to both of you! Does this mean we get two race reports??

  13. I'm in wave ED (Exceptionally Dysfunctional) and with how I've been running lately, I'm expecting to finish sometime in 2009. I'll try and hunt you down!

  14. You both will do fab, I'm sure ;D ;D I look forward to this report ;-)

  15. Good luck to both of you! I think you'll both reach your goals!

    I forgot to tell you that last week when I was in the Denver area, I was in Boulder one day and they had lots of stuff up for the race. Plus, at the Colfax Marathon, tons of people were talking about running the Bolder Boulder. Maybe next year, I should plan on coming for the Colfax half and stay a week and running the Boulder Bolder!

  16. MissAllycat - When I see ED I doesn't make me think of "Exceptional" Dysfunction, if you know what I'm sayin'. I'll keep an eye out for you.

    Jess - You absolutely should!

  17. I assume you'll be in section 108 since it's a good distance away from that conspicuous "Lost Kids" area. You wouldn't want your kids to be able to find you--that would defeat the purpose. Excellent planning.

    Good luck.


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