Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Additional Bolder Boulder Thoughts

Congratulations to Ilsa Paulson (pictured right) who won the Bolder Boulder Women’s Citizen’s Race. Eat a sandwich! Something’s not right when you can dramatically shift your center of gravity by nodding your head.

I don’t have any race pictures yet, but I will post them as soon as I get them. I didn’t notice any photographers when I did the Slip ‘n’ Slide so I doubt that there will be any pictures of that forthcoming. Many of you have requested pictures of my pace team (A.K.A. the awesome pantless running chicks) and rest assured that I am using the wealth of my powers for evil and attempting to secure those pictures. I do it all for you guys.

As per usual there were numerous sightings of runners who should have been cited for RWAI, that’s Running While Ability Impaired or running in a ridiculous costume. I’m not talking about the pantless pace team (although they nearly caused me to be RWAI if you know what I mean. Wink, wink), I’m talking about people running dressed up as giant hot dogs or gorillas and such.

At the end of the race we were walking through the line to get our post-race snacks, beer and soda and I couldn’t help but notice that many of the runners had grabbed the first soda available (Pepsi) and then ended up trading them in further down the line once they saw that Diet Pepsi was available. What a pathetic bunch we are, I thought to myself as the girl ahead of me traded down from sugar to aspartame, even after a race we don’t want the empty calories, even now we’re watching what we eat/drink. I rolled my eyes and gave the universal crazy sign behind the girl’s back before asking politely if I too could switch out my soda for a diet. Hey, no one wants to be a Fatty McDimpledButt.


  1. She is utterly tiny! I wonder if she grabbed the Diet Pepsi??

  2. Her quadricep muscle is as big as my bicep. That is scary.

    WTG on your race.

  3. I bet she saves money on airline tickets. She has to be under the weight limit for carry-on luggage.

  4. OMG...there is something wrong when average folk like me are up against people like her...I don't stand a chance in he!! (not that i ever did, but a girl can dream)

  5. Hard to tell just how tiny she is until you look at how she's dwarfed by her bib number; it could almost be a tube top. Did she win any money to buy herself a good meal? Hopefully something that comes with fries.

  6. Yeah.. when you can wear you race number as a shirt.... ok who am I kidding I would love that! I will admit it I look at the stick people on Survivor and think just once I would like to know what that is like... but then well my reality isn't so bad either....

    So I wanted to tell you I got free shoes too! Take that half fast! Mine were some super cool hiking shoes! They truly rock... if only they were from my super cool ever inticing blog... but that was not the case.


  7. Oh, her thighs (if they can be still called that) are gross!

  8. I'm already McDimpledbutt, so BRING ON THE SODA baby! What a couple extra divots in the ole ass?

  9. Okay, I had to go back and re-read. So you did slip 'n slide? Just later in the race? Clearly, I need to read more carefully. pepsi? Personally, I love a DP, but post-race. That's not good for you. If anything the sugar in a regular soda is better for recovery. In fact, I believe I read once that one of the worst beverages you can consume post-race is a diet soda.

  10. From Fatty McDimpleButt: When I saw that picture I gasped. She looks like a concentration camp survivor. There must be a happy medium somewhere between my size and hers.

  11. I won't touch fake sugar, but I kind of get the diet Pepsi phenomenon. After my longest runs, when I really have carte blanche to eat just about anything I want... I find myself craving a salad. Then on days when I don't work out/count walking to get lunch instead of delivery as my work out, I crave cake, fried foods, ice cream, etc. Why? I don't know.

  12. I had just the opposite soda experience at my 10K. You could get a hot dog, chips and soda for $2, but all they had were diet sodas! I politely declined and grabbed a water. I don't do fake sugar (but only indulge in the full sugar stuff on occasion, thus keeping the dimplebutt at bay).

  13. I freakin' hate diet soda. gross. period.

  14. Since I prefer diet pop anyway, I would prefer to take the diet and save my post-race calories for the cinnamon roll, baby! (This is why my center of gravity is not in my head!)

  15. i noticed your comment on the oscar pistorius article at i think it's telling that runners are against his being allowed to run at the olympics when the world at large thinks he should.

  16. Kyle, I'd be OK with him running at the Olympics if it were possible to ensure that his blades didn't provide an advantage by way of additional propulsion. I think you're going to see Oscar get faster and faster as his technology improves.

  17. I hope you did a few bicep curls with that diet pepsi before you drank it. After all, a 10K run does nothing for upper body toning.

    Congratulations on a fantastic race, Vanilla (and to Candis as well)! A PR -- with our without slip 'n slide break -- is quite an accomplishment.


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