Friday, May 9, 2008

The Winner of the Bike is...

... going to be announced a little later today! Bwaaa ha ha ha what a jerkish thing to do huh? I’m sorry if that upsets you (blatant lie) but I’m not ready to make the announcement yet, and do you know what you’re going to do about it? You’re going to sit there and take it. I’ll have the actual post up announcing the winner sometime later today (early afternoon). In the meantime have a Coke and a smile and enjoy the short video below of Olympic gymnast (and part time crime fighter) Alicia Sacramone that I recently stumbled upon at With Leather.

I believe the technical term for what just happened there is “pwned.” That guy looked like the prototypical hot shot, the one in high school that used to beg people to punch him in the stomach so that he could show them how tough he was. “Don’t worry, you can’t hurt me,” he’d say as I ran off to the counselor’s office with tears welling up in my eyes. Not so tough now are you Mr. I just got knocked the F out by a female gymnast! The only way that video could be better is if she’d told him that there were “going to be 2 hits, me hitting you and you hitting the floor!”


  1. That was great! He asked for it.

  2. None to bright on his part. Did you see her guns?

  3. Was that retribution for a chicking?

  4. You're killing me here. Haven't I won yet???

  5. Ok, you like YouTube, you must, I repeat, must, check out "The Amazing Predator Rap"


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