Tuesday, November 27, 2007

8 Miles on the Treadmill is Fun

You see what I did there? I used a headline that clearly isn’t true. That’s called sarcasm. Sarcasm is the crutch of the shoddy writer and is the lowest, basest form of humor, which is why you’ll find plenty of it here at Half-Fast.

Anyway, like the headline says I ran 8 miles on the treadmill this past weekend and they were anything but fun. Looking back on it I’m not exactly sure why I decided to run on the treadmill but it was almost as bad a decision as when my wife and I decided that we wanted a second child.

You ever notice how painful memories seem to get less painful as they fall further into the past? It’s like natures way of making sure you don’t learn from your mistakes. When Candis was pregnant the first time, she hated the final few months and the whole birthing process. Things got pretty bad, but a few months later there we were talking about having another kid, just standing on the tracks completely oblivious to the train hurtling towards us.

That’s what running on the treadmill is like for me, I always forget how bad it is and how much I hate it. No, I did not just compare childbirth to running on a treadmill. Running on a treadmill is much worse than giving birth as far as I can tell. At least after you give birth someone brings you your meals in bed. When I get done on the treadmill I have to go get a meal on my own, ironically I’ll probably be doing a lot of that over the next few days after my wife reads this.


  1. Hey- I often bring you dinner after a long run!

  2. Yeah but your hoo ha doesn't get split open after running on a treadmill (at least I don't think there are any documented cases) :P

  3. YUCK. Longer runs on the treadmill are definitely not something to look forward to.

    I am so excited for my 7 mile run on the treadmill this week.

    That was sarcasm.

  4. Ugh, I did 4 miles today as my first run back after a race. Why oh why did I pick the treadmill? BORING. You can only stare at other people in the gym for so long. Or pretend like you aren't listening to the sorority girl conversation on the next treadmill over.

  5. i love how i can make my way over here after a hard day and always find a laugh. i love what you put out into the universe!

  6. Hey, that second kid you had is pretty darn cute. And how boring would your life be if you only had one?

  7. Ironically, according to my track record and all my running stats, I can have a kid much faster than I can run 8 miles on the treadmill. :D

  8. There is nothing worse than a treadmill. Just the word makes me cranky.

  9. I've never given birth to children, but every semester I have to read about 600 student essays, and I have to say that running 8 miles on the treadmill is worse than that.

  10. Denial is the first sign of an addiction.

    Welcome to the club.

  11. I cant do it. The treadmill is about 4 miles max. Then I get cranky, bored and have to fake an injury/pain/problem to get off ASAP.

  12. I have (not had - big difference) 2 kids.
    I've run 15 miles on a treadmill in one go.
    My wife insisted on buying a treadmill

    ...you do the math!

    But I can still pee standing up and yes, almost, while running!

  13. you'd have to shoot me before i'd get on a treadmill.

  14. I'm with Nancy...my labors are much quicker than I could finish 8 miles. Maybe that means I need to run faster :P

  15. Running on a treadmill: up until the last minute, you can change your mind and not do it -- or you can stop if it hurts. Childbirth: not so much.

    One vote of support for your wife, you treadmill-running wuss! (Joking, of course ... I can't stay away from your very funny blog, Vanilla.)

  16. Drat. For a second there, when I saw your headline, I was hopeful that you had actual suggestions that would work.

  17. oh yeah. Childbirth is a blast compared to the treadmill. Everything except for those lousy contractions, and pushing the baby out part.

    (and Vanilla, fyi: not that you really care, but my husband and I read your blog all the time. Sorry we don't comment. For some reason we thought your name was Jim and you were in your mid-50's. Not that that should make a difference. You're hilarious either way. But still, just wanted to let you know we're (I'm) de-lurking)


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