Monday, March 3, 2008

Hot Flashes

On Saturday, the temperature here in Denver was 71 degrees, it definitely felt like spring was springing. Actually, it really felt more like we had just skipped spring altogether and jumped right into summer. I woke up late on Saturday, lounged around, posted the Weekend Splits and then at high noon decided it was high time I got started on my long run. No, I was not high.

With all this cold weather we’ve been having lately, I’d forgotten just how much the heat can affect your time, or how easy it is to blame it for a bad run. I’m all about making excuses. When I returned from my run I actually told my wife that I was sick of the warm weather and much preferred running in the cold to running in the heat. She told me that I was an idiot for running during the hottest part of the day and she’s probably right. Frankly, there are only two words that can be used to describe someone who waits until the hottest part of the afternoon to run: mor on.

I woke up Sunday morning, not 18 hours after my long sweaty run, to the sounds of neighbors shoveling the snow from their walks and my two boys yelling “Daddy, it snowed!” I for one will not be complaining about the weather ever again (this is an outright lie), and I refused to shovel the driveway one day after getting sunburned as a matter of principle. For what it’s worth it doesn’t take much to sunburn my handsome fair complexion. I once had to be hospitalized for second degree sunburn after I stood at our front window waiting for the mailman to deliver my Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. True story.

Saturday gave me a brief glimpse of what the spring and summer have in store for me and it was a nice reminder that I’ll need to get up earlier and not be so lazy about getting my runs in. Now if I could just get one more glimpse of summer today I can remain obstinate about not shoveling the ice rink that is my driveway.


  1. it was 80 deg here in on saturday and sunday. it sucked. especially for running.

    today the front came through and the temps dropped 20+ degrees in about 15 sec.

    tonight it will be 40 deg COLDER than it was last night.

    i hate weather in general.

  2. Ummmm yeah, our high? I think that was 34. I hate you LOL

  3. It is up and down everywhere now, except my downs don't include snow, thank goodness!

  4. Sunburned while waiting for SI, now that's interesting. Were you 12?

  5. I blamed the heat on my wretched outing yesterday too! And tomorrow I will blame the tornadoes.

  6. I'm with Nancy, you had to be 12...

  7. I always run during the hottest part of the day if I can. Good training! Anyway don't worry you live in Denver. There will be a blizzard next week.

  8. I remember that it was always like that in CO this tie of year: 70 one day and snowing the next. I remember once a school trip to Elitches in May was cancelled because of snow!

  9. I'm in Illinois and we were just one day behind you weather-wise. Yesterday was hot and humid and today was back to the wonderful frigid temps :P And they are calling for snow tonight and tomorrow.

  10. I like to blame the cold weather for my extremely poor results/speed in the winter!

  11. Our weather was really nice/warm last week as well and then dipped back down this week. Couple more weeks here and summer will officially begin.

  12. I think I have been a mor on, a lot.

  13. Man, I wish it were 71 here. Spring is springing, but the air temperature isn't rising yet. Send me some hot flashes! Hey, and send some pictures of your springing. I'm serious about this virtual garden thing!

  14. THAT is why I made my husband stop taking delivery of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition. Risk of sunburn.

  15. After reading your post I think I should throw a pity party for myself and all of the other South Florida mor ons (er, runners). LOL!

    I guess the weather is just like anything else... you get used to it after a while. That certainly doesn't mean that I wouldn't trade in this hot stuff in a heartbeat for a picturesque, teperate "San Diego" climate. Le sigh...


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