Wednesday, March 26, 2008

New Shoes!

There aren’t many things in this world better than the smell of new running shoes fresh out of the box. You unfold the tissue paper that covers the shoes, remove the wadded up balls of it from the toes of the shoes and you catch your first whiff of new running shoe. It’s fantastic, but do you know what’s even better than the smell of new running shoes? Actually buying new running shoes. Trust me they look at you kind of strange when you ask if you can smell several pairs and then just leave the store without buying any. Do you know what’s even better than buying new running shoes? You probably don’t because you’re not awesome like me. I’ll tell you what’s better than buying new running shoes: Being given a free pair of new running shoes to review on your blog. Pretty awesome huh? Do you know what’s even better than being given free shoes? Being given a new pair of the latest Pearl Izumi SyncroInfinity running shoes. (Syncro Infinity? syncroINFINITY? I can’t figure out which one is right, Pearl Izumi must be loving this right now.) Do you know why I keep phrasing everything as a question in this post? Me neither.

Receiving a free pair of Pearl Izumi running shoes is better than receiving any other brand because it’s as if Pearl Izumi is endorsing me as a runner. It’s as if they’re saying “Hey Vanilla, you’re not a jogger, you’re a runner, you run like an animal, you are our kind of people, we want you in our shoes, and not all those lame joggers who read your blog,” – personally I would be offended by that last statement if I was you guys.

Now you may think that me agreeing to review their shoes in exchange for a free pair is a conflict of interest. You may call my actions “selling out” or “whorish behavior” but I call it “shut up you’re just jealous!” I assure you that my review of the shoes will not be tainted by the fact that the super-duper, totally awesome, stupefyingly great company Pearl Izumi just gave me free running shoes. I will not allow it to impair my judgment.

I’ve only run in the shoes a couple of times, so I will save my review of their performance for another day but let me just say that these might be the coolest looking shoes that I’ve ever owned, and that’s saying something because I once owned a pair of grey dress sandals that I wore with grey socks (by the way, thanks for that Mom). I was fully expecting to receive the same running shoes that I’ve always run in, you know the kind; white mesh upper with a colorful stripe or two, some reflective material and a multi-colored sole (whoa, flashy!). So I was pleasantly surprised by the black and grey shoes that you see pictured. My favorite thing about the Pearl Izumi SyncroInfiinity is the snarling teeth on the back of the shoe (pictured right). They say to other runners, “back off man, I’m dangerous!” I feel b-b-b-b-bad to the bone when I run in them and that’s probably what Pearl Izumi was striving for, especially when you consider all their ads.


  1. Impressive, Vanilla. And by impressive, I am totally referring to those sandals and socks. :D

    Kidding. Nothing wrong with whorish, in the right context, of course.

    The joggers (and non-runners) are not worthy. :D

  2. I dig your whorish behavior.

    I was thinking I wish I was as quick & witty & cool, so I caould have what is it now......3 or 4 special treats??

    By treats, I, Cliff-stuff, GRAMIN commented on your blog & I'm SURE you'll be getting a free-be there sooner or later..... I feel like I'm forgetting one.

    I'm super jealous & I read there ads in Runners World all the kid had (parts of) them in his hockey locker.......they made him feel like a another context (hockey)

    HOW FRICKIN Awesome are you!!

    Did you just come home & "Hi, new shoes"???

    Or did they call you/email you first???
    you're so luckey.

  3. Congrats. You're like the U2 of the running world.

    p.s. - I'm super-jealous

  4. My husband just referred to himself as "whorish". Great, that will take some explaining to my family- Nope- no explaining that.

  5. @ 311: They e-mailed me first to find out my shoe size and mailing address, but didn't tell me what kind of shoes they were sending.

    Then they took a month to actually ship them to me during which time I thought maybe the e-mail had been some weirdo just trying to get my name and address.

  6. Totally jealous. Jeez.

    Not sure I like the cartoon-ey bubble teeth on the back of them, though...

  7. The rockstar of the blogworld!

  8. You're a running blog so they sent shoes. Kinda wishing you established that HD Plasma TV blog now aren't you?

  9. I'm still waiting for all my free booze. Don't these people know I'm thirsty? Congrats on the free new shoes.

    I got free Brooks shoes for running a marathon, so there!

  10. They're not that cool. :-P

    Translation: I am so jealous!

  11. Just to let you know I am now officially addcited to your blog. I am now a blogger running wanna be! No you don't know me at all - yes I will now be checking your site practically on a daily basis to see what new and fun thing you will be discussing or getting for free (yes I am jealous!)

    Rock on runner dude, rock on!

  12. There's a certain chain mail look to them--of the Lancelot variety, not the send-7-letters-or-be-cursed-for-life sort. I'd wear running shoes made of bananas if they were free, though, so good on ya.

  13. Damn Straight We're Jealous.
    Sell out - shoe whore!

  14. I'm duly offended by your reference to us as lame joggers. But, certainly not jealous. Why would any of us want a free pair of expensive, cool-looking running shoes?

  15. pearl izumis. bastids.

    Vanilla? exploiter of bastids. Therefore, a good person :)

  16. wow! I am jealous. I'm a shoe whore where is my pair of bad ass izumi's?

  17. I say . . .whore yourself out! whore yourself out! I would :P

    I'm actually looking forward to this review. I wondered how PI's fared.

  18. I can't wait to read your review of these shoes. I've got a Pearl Izumis store down the street from my house. It's time I buy some new shoes for myself, anyway and these Asics, while they've been trusty, well, they're Asics. You got Pearls.

  19. Ooooohhhh, I'm so jealous I could spit! And I never spit. 'Tis not lady-like. And I'm a lady. I even run like a girl!

    Congrats!! I can't wait to find out how they do. Maybe they'll make you run "wicked" fast (said in my super-sexy Boston accent)


  20. If you believe the Pearl Izumi ads, you are officially a "runner" once you have their shoes on. You have finally made it! Its official! Imagine how much time you will shave off your 5K.

  21. They are ugly.

    I have nothing further.

  22. "remove the paper wads from the toes"? Did I miss something? Could that explain the pain in my toes?

  23. Wow! That's super!
    Do they make you feel like you can jump as high as the moon and run as fast as a cheetah?
    Love the new shoes!

  24. So...if the new shoes make you faster, are you going to have to change your blog name?

  25. I just got my PI shoes today! The same one but mine are (of course) Women's and are acid green and white.



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