Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I’m Quiiting Running

It’s time for me to quit running. It’s not that I don’t still love to run because I do, it’s just that I’ve taken up a new pastime that is occupying all my spare time. I am no longer able to make the time to squeeze in any of my training runs and to be honest I don’t miss them at all. Don’t worry, my new hobby is a totally healthy way to replace intervals and long runs, it’s a little something called the Wii:

My brother-in-law gave us a Wii this past weekend. My boys have so much fun playing his Wii that he thought they’d like to have their own. It was a nice idea, but he clearly didn’t realize that they would be unable to wrestle the controls away from their father. After nearly 5 years of parenthood I’m finally starting to reap some benefits from it; the boys have cool toys that I can play with.

So I am sorry to tell you all that I no longer have time to run, what with all the Wii-ing I’ll be doing. I almost missed my long run entirely this past weekend and only managed to squeeze it in on Sunday night when my wife forced me to take a Wii break. But I don’t imagine that I’ll have too many more forced Wii breaks because my wiife is starting to come over to the dark side now too.

Before you know it the dishes will be piled up in the sink, I’ll be a no-show at work and we’ll be ebaying the kids toys to pay for new Wii games and cheap healthcare. We’re fixing to go down hard in our new addiction and Wii don’t even care. Perhaps I’ll take up smoking too while I’m at it, I hear that smoking helps you lose weight.

I’d love to tell you more but it’s my turn at Wii bowling so I gotta’ run, but not in the physical activity sense of the word, more in the screen-gazing, comatose, where-did-the-day-go, forgot-we-had-kids-to-feed sense of the word.

I’ve got a fever and the only prescription for it is more Wii.


  1. Well, now you can order the game "Wii Pii Pii" in which gamers can play at peeing. Seriously. Type in that phrase to google. You'll find it. I think it will be right up your alley.

  2. I cracked up the first time my daughter came asked if she could play with my wii.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Try a rather spirited boxing match with an HRM on.

    Then try to tell me Wii-ing isn't healthy :-).

  5. Completely understandable response. You may have to quit your job.

  6. I'm sorry but I totally consider Wii boxing cardio.

    DO NOT get Guitar Hero for Wii. You have been warned.

  7. Remember the track and field game for the original NES with the floor pad? That seems like a perfect game to reintroduce with Wii. And then this will just be another piece of running gear. However, I don't think your Garmin will work with it.

  8. I try to avoid the Wii. Because when I start, I don't finish. "Just one more level" becomes a five-hour affair.

  9. Oh goodie!! We just got a Wii too, even though we so cannot afford it. And we don't even have kids or any other excuses.

    Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games is fun. I already set a world record in the javelin. I'm planning on calling up USATF to see if I can jump into the trials this summer. :)

    Smash Bros is likewise addictive. Pricey but highly recommended. Have fun!

  10. I'm jealous of your Wii and how you use it.

    I'm trying to convince my wife to let me buy a Wii. I told her we can play with it together.

    I'm out of euphemisms....for now.

    There, I said it.

  11. http://www.nintendo.com/wiifit/en/#/home/

    Check out Wii Fit...it has Balance Games, Aerobics, Yoga and Strength Training. Sounds like some great crosstraining for a runner (or at least a really good excuse to keep playing the Wii).

  12. I'm with Maritza. DO NOT PLAY GUITAR HERO. I don't even want to think about how many hours of my life have been lost to that game...

  13. Same thing happened to me.

    Less than a month until Wii Fit.

  14. Dude, don't think I'm not getting Wii Fit. I'll be all set with cross training :P And ITA with Marathon Maritza, boxing is TOTALLY cardio in my book ;-)

  15. Remember it says, you're supposed to take a break after an hour...LMAO...

    It's the blue light on the Wii. Highly seductive.

    Good luck...and yeah, we consider Wii cardio around here too.

  16. Ok, call me crazy but the first thing that came to MY mind was....YAY! One 5K shaver down, 35 to go! Ha! Why don't you invite them all over to your place, keep 'em busy for me. And BTW...my flexor is healed so watch out BABYYYYYY!!!

  17. oh guitar hero...why did someone even have to mention it..I think I'm getting a twitch in my eye...damn it I may not run either!

  18. Zak and Wiki, really I mean it.

    It may be designed for 12 year olds, but I love it.

  19. Would you believe we got a Wii a year ago and have never even hooked it up? Our son has one which we play when we visit him. I had a sore shoulder for days after trying to ring the bell in the carnival games.

    Too bad Wii Fit comes out after Mother's Day or I would totally score a free one. When it comes out, I'll be taking Wii out of the box, but not until then. I'm already a little too motivated to sit on the couch.

  20. if i had a tv i probably would be 20 pounds heavier.
    if i didn't have a computer i'd probably be 5 pounds lighter. if i had a Wii, i think i'd count it as exercise.

  21. Wii Fit? what is this? must google it.

    my fave is Wii doubles tennis. even more fun after a few glasses of wine.

  22. Sorry to see you go. Wii'll miss you! (Get it? Wii'll? Boy, I crack myself up).

  23. Oh boy.. I have made a vow to never never never ever ever touch Wii in my life. I will keep praying that my girls don't ever mention it. My biggest fear is technology. Technology has a way of making people neglect their health.

  24. My hubby dreams of getting one, but the teenager has gone & gotten a 360......which DH can still golf on & play killing games, like sniper...something or other??

    He goes to his BFF's (can I say a guys BFF??) & plays it there--Guitar Hero???

  25. LOL!! We love our Wii as well. I am surprised at how addicting it really is!

  26. Mario vs. Sonic at the Olympics is harder to run with the little nunchuk thingys than if you just went outside and ran. No lie.

    Thanks for the race encouragement Vanilla!

  27. Just think of all the money you will save on running shoes - should be plenty to pay for the smokes!

  28. I once shaved the top of my wine glass right off playing Wii tennis. Be very careful. yes, yes, I was sitting in a recliner at the time. Hardly cardio.


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