Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Site News

I’ve added a new feature to Half-Fast and I wanted to draw your attention to it instead of letting you fumble through the site and find it by yourselves. Sometimes you guys can be so slow. Anyway now that I’ve insulted you, let me tell you about the new feature and why I need your help. Hopefully you should see a little green icon at the bottom of all of my posts and the words ‘ShareThis.’ I’m not quite sure what it does, but I see it all over the place and thought I needed one. The ShareThis website assured me that “you’re allowing your army of users to spread your content all over the web,” and also that “you’ll satisfy her for hours with your enormous trouser monster.” Actually I might be mixing that last one up with an e-mail I received. Let’s hope that the ShareThis website is more truthful than those lying emails eh?

The idea here is to make me Half-Fast more popular. Whenever you see something you like, share it. It’s that simple. What’s in it for you? Well, when Half-Fast gets to be a huge internet conglomerate with thousands of comments on each post you can tell everyone that you were a reader before it was popular to be a reader. You’ll be like one of those annoying people who like to tell everyone that they knew about Dave Matthews Band before DMB became famous. Plus, whenever a new commenter comes along and asks a stupid question you can totally roll your eyes and exclaim “rookie,” or “noob!” Sounds like fun, right?

To steal a quote right off the banner image at Hollywood Flakes, “You read my blog. You like it. You tell your friends. They tell theirs. I get famous. I get rich. I give you a million bucks.”

If you were hoping for something running related in today’s post, then you can read my post over at CRN which is about chip timed races. It also has a ShareThis button at the end.


  1. Now Vanilla, you know theres no such thing as a stupid question.

    But there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots out there...


    Oh my, that was fun.

  2. Okay, I clicked it, and it sent me on a little blogging scavenger hunt.

    Way too much work for me.

  3. okay, okay, maybe I've been drinking. You can take it. :D

  4. Greens a nice color and much underused.

  5. sellout. First it's the wine, then the Izumis, and now green buttons. It used to be about the running, man.

  6. Hmmmm interesting . . . . what ever happened to a simple copy and paste the URL into an e-mail?

  7. this place is getting so high tech. i know your site is busy when it takes me a good minute for the comment page to load.

  8. I'm guessing subtlety isn't a feature in your household :-P.

  9. So, does the tag "blowing your own horn" have anything to do with your wife's feeling about your "trouser monster"?

    Sorry, you started your post with an insult, so I thought I'd mirror that technique in my comment.

    But seriously, regarding the addition of your little...button...*ahem*...I think I'm gonna need some bribery beyond money. And since I'm a woman, the best incentive for me to pass along Half-Fast posts would be flattering posts on my blog. Comments such as "Jess, I bow down before your glory and awesomeness" would be appreciated and might persuade me to click that green button. Might.

    Think on it.

  10. Look at you always on the search for more comments...what are we not good enough for you anymore haha

  11. Just wanted to let you know that several times, I saw Dave Matthews Band at fraternity parties, way before they were famous.

  12. Cool button, lame feature. Sorry, had to be truthful.

  13. I still link the old fashioned way.

    Speaking of the CRN article, you sure twisted a few pairs of panties over there. Fine work.

  14. I read your blog. I like it. I tell my friends and they tell theirs. So... when do I get my million bucks? Damn it, you have to get rich and famous first.


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