Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I Need This Shirt

I couldn’t have been prouder of Candis for finishing her first Triathlon. On our way home from the Tri we had the following conversation:

Me: You did awesome today!
Candis: Thanks.
Me: Seriously, I think it’s really cool that you’re a triathlete now.
Candis: Really, why?
Me: Because I’ve never slept with a triathlete before.

Then Candis found this shirt on CaféPress and I must have it.

Speaking of shirts, I’ve been toying around with some sites similar to CaféPress and have been thinking about designing some Half-Fast running shirts with slogans on the back like “Behind every good runner... there’s you!” I’ll have more on that in the future, but feel free to suggest race shirt slogans that you’d like to see.

That’s all I have for now, but be sure to check out my post today over at Complete Running, Kristina said it was “best thing you’ve written that I’ve read”... of course, Kristina also does this, so I’m not sure that she’s all there.


  1. That shirt is great! I need to get my wife one.

  2. Haha, awesome shirt. Can you design your own at cafe press?

  3. Great shirt! My husband would totally love something like that LOL.

  4. That's an awesome shirt! I think it would work equally well if you subbed the word marathon/marathoner for triathlon/triathlete.

  5. Great slogan! I'm going to have to do a triathlon now so that I can get that shirt for my wife. Heheh.

    Before you buy it, you might want to consider http://runningbanana.com/ which will make technical shirts. Haven't tried them yet, but heard good things.

  6. I always try to bring the boyfriend a present when I go do a marathon, because I feel bad abandoning him so many weekends. This may become the present for next time!

  7. Man, I think my wife has a new fitness goal, and she doesn't even know it yet!

  8. I've thought about making my own running shirts, but that takes way too much effort and motivation.

  9. or does the tirathlete do you?

  10. that is so fitting for you!

  11. LOL...I cannot think of one funnier!

  12. Love that shirt. Might have to get that one for my man.

  13. Here's another race shirt for you:

    I'm not slow. I'm injured.

    The favorite homemade one I've seen was "Single? Follow me!"

  14. I'd buy one of the "behind every great runner..." shirts for my hubby, except I'm usually behind him which says a lot for me!

  15. Man, now I know why my page views doubled my usual Monday views yesterday. Thanks for the link. While my neurons do fire a little slower while I'm in the ice, I read your CR post outside the tub, so my assessment was entirely reasonable. Nice job again.

  16. I don't have a triathlete I do ... could I make it more neutral.

    I do triathletes ... or will do triathletes?

  17. I wanted to get this for my husband but it was a no go. SIGH

  18. And then there's always the:

    "I don't do ultras.....

    I do an ultrarunner...."

    I'd like that one for my wife but I doubt she'd wear it...


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