Thursday, September 18, 2008

Did I Mention I’m Running a Marathon?

You should all prepare yourselves for the fact that I’m going to act like I’m the only person ever to train for and run a marathon. Before this thing pounds me into humility I plan on making it a big deal around these parts, despite the fact that many of you readers have already run marathons. Thank you to those of you who left comments on my last post suggesting how many times I should run a 20 miler, extra special thanks if you told me that I should definitely not do 5 of them. I was giving some serious consideration to that plan and now I’m not.

Right now my plan is to run a couple of 20 milers before the race and I’m even considering doing a 22 or 23 miler too. It’s easy to say that right now, because the furthest I’ve ever run is 13.1 miles and I have no concept of how much pain and agony goes into a 16 mile run much less a 20 or 22 miler. Nevertheless, the plan is to do at least 2 20s and maybe a 22 or 23 miler too. Here’s the logic behind my thinking: What’s the longest run that most runners run prior to a marathon? Answer: 20 miles. Where do most runners say that they hit the proverbial wall in their marathon? Answer: 20 miles. Coincidence? I have no idea, but that’s my thinking. Of course I may just throw all this out the window when I start getting into those looooong, long runs.

I received an e-mail from another running blogger who is considering coming out to Arizona to run the marathon, I won’t give his name because I’m not certain if he’s decided to do it or not and I’d hate to steal his thunder if he’s planning a big blog announcement. I once had my thunder stolen and it was no fun at all, the police didn’t even take my stolen thunder report seriously and just rolled their eyes when I mentioned I would offer a reward. Stupid cops. Anyway, JavaMom has also mentioned to me that she is going to be running the half marathon and if anyone else is going to be out in Arizona for the race then I’d love to meet up with some of you. Not all of you, just the cool people out there. So if you’re going to be around and you’d like to meet up and buy me a beer, and if you think you’re cool enough, then shoot me an e-mail or leave me a comment.


  1. you should also let me know if you're going to watch-help your wobbling half.

    I thought of doing the half marathon and it turns out- I'm not allowed. huh.

    I will get to drop off, carry clothes and wait at the finish with a blanket and a gurney.

    Now I'm reveling in my non-racing January. After all we will be on Vacation and everyone knows that's for eating & drinking- not tapering and going dry.- aw honey you can smell my drinks. ("no no we want to impare her ability to make judgements.")

  2. I can't wait to meet Candis. I might not run just to hang out with her. :>)

  3. I might, maybe, but not sure. I'm a last minute chica always. I would LOVE to run it again. And most importantly just kick Lisa's ass :P No way in hell I'd do the marathon though. The HM was hard enough to train for in the middle of NY winter LOL

  4. Holy crap! You're running a marathon? Why didn't you tell us?

    *this will be my comment for each of your posts about your training.

  5. I've done 17s before and they are pretty brutal, especially when your long days are typically in the 14 range. It's truly amazing how much three more miles can make your body hurt after already putting 14 in.

  6. I'd also recommend finding someone to run with you at least part of the way. 2 hours worth of running can be pretty brutal, but it is a death march if you leave yourself nothing but yourself and music. Your brain goes to some interesting places.

  7. I love 20 mile runs and try to do at least 2-3 before a marathon. Then a handful of 15-18 milers too. You'll be fine! Have fun training!

  8. Don't worry, 20 milers don't hurt any less than those other long runs you've done.

    I'll come back in January to wish you good luck since I'm already sick of your "I'm running a marathon" topic.

  9. Vanilla - you might want to invite Viper and settle the case on who will be the first to complete the Marathon . Think of all the hoopla this will be created. We, the RBFs, can start wagering and make a bet.

  10. Ah, planning. This is the fun part. By the way, what distance will you be running again?

  11. "The Wall" is just something we tell new marathoners to scare them into running extra, unnecessary training miles. It doesn't exist. Really, who would put a "wall" in the middle of a marathon?? Makes no sense. If you've gone 13.1, you're good to go 26.2 right now. Honest.

  12. Vava - Anyone who reads Half-Fast is cool enough, just by osmosis.

  13. Actually, I think it IS a coincidence that the wall is around the 20 mile mark. Has more to do with your body running out of glycogen than running a new distance.

    Anyway, be sure to read this Runner's Lounge post from Tom about 20 milers:

  14. When you hit a wall while running, you've either taken a wrong turn or fallen asleep while running. Both of which are embarrassing and painful. Enjoy.

  15. joining the 20 mile club prior to a marathon is like the mile-high club. You want to do it more than once, but don't over do it (5 times) and risk unnecessary injuries.

    Good luck!

  16. I'll consider coming - I don't have an Arizona one planned yet!

  17. That sounds like my long run plan. If I end up doing the marathon in Nov. I'm still undecided. I should probably figure that out soon, huh?

  18. Since you've done more than one HM, I think you'll do fine with the full 26.2 training. And the number of 20 milers or 20+ milers really is about building mental confidence, not necessarily about ocntributing to your improved fitness.

  19. I'll be there running the full marathon too...I'm cool enough for you to buy ME a beer.

  20. Hmmmm Arizona. Something to think about.

  21. This is where I leave you a comment, saying how cool I am that I "know" elite athletes and they have done "my" training plan for "my marathon" that I am running. "they" have told me to be real comfortable in the 16-18 miles range, "they" have said that you really don't need to run more than 20 miles, but if you need the mental lift(of having run more than 20) then go ahead and do 22. Don't you think I am so cool now? I know you are jealous and really want to take advice from me, a person who has never run a marathon (although I am training per "my elite" athletes' training plan) "My plan" called for 1 - 20 miler, I went ahead and threw in the extra mile just for good measure (I am crazy like that!, no matter that I added wrong while running and ran the extra mile on accident!) Now you think I am cool because I have run 21!!

    Wow I have some great advice~ I suggest you take it otherwise I may have to move the wall into the road prior to you running by - I will use a brick wall ~ FYI

    Happy training.


  22. The key to the long run is getting used to running at a sustained effort for long periods of time. A couple of 20 milers coupled with 18 and 16 mile runs at a nice slow pace will prepare you for the marathon. Congratulations.
    Just a reminder, the first marathon and the training is usually for learning. I ran mine last year at Cleveland. I had made somemany mistakes in my training that it was a battle in the last 4 miles. As that battle raged things like the Gu packets on the road kept my feet from being lifted without extra effort. In that time I reflected where my training had failed me. Then "High Ocatane Salvation" by the Dirt Bombs came on and I forgot that to a sprint finish.
    Eitherway, remember how you trained and run your first one. It will alway be your greatest if even if you run another faster. Congratulations.

  23. Just remember that like your first Half-Marathon your first full Marathon will kick your ass in ways you can't imagine.

    Good luck with training. And please don't do that same thing I did for my first Marathon and run it like a Half-Marathon (because you'll also be done at the Half-Marathon mark).


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