Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A Mid Week Long Run? Say It Ain’t So!

This weekend is going to be busy, and I’m not sure that I’ll have time for my regularly scheduled suck-fest otherwise known as my long run. Because I’m so dedicated, I am going to run 12 miles this evening after work and call that my long run for the week. I’ve been working to increase my mileage the past couple of weeks in anticipation of the beginning of the end, otherwise known as my official marathon training plan.

As mentioned previously, I am using the FIRST plan and have decided to blend their two marathon plans together to formulate my very own personalized marathon training plan because I wanted a happy medium between one 20 miler versus five of them. The first timer’s training plan was 18 weeks long and the old timer’s plan was 16 weeks, naturally when I blended them together I opted for a 16 week plan. What this means is that training for the PF Chang’s RNR Arizona Marathon officially begins next Monday, but since I am planning my runs on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday I guess it actually begins next Tuesday... unless of course something else comes up and/or I sleep in Tuesday morning and then the training plan begins next Wednesday, but Wednesday’s are no good for me so at that point I’ll just push it back to the following week. This whole rigid training plan is a pretty fluid concept, but I tentatively anticipate that I’ll probably start training sometime next week. Maybe.

What I am sure of is that I’m running 12 miles tonight after work and that it will be a horrifically unpleasant event. I’m so excited I can hardly wait. I hate mid week long runs like Amy Winehouse hates being sober, I hate them like Nitmos hates children. Long runs are much better suited to the weekend. When you do your long run on a weeknight it takes up your whole night, at least it does if you’re as slow as I am. Even more depressing is that I’m totally going to miss the premiere of Lipstick Jungle wait, no, not Lipstick Jungle, I meant to say Knight Rider. Fast cars and violent, action-packed chase scenes, GRRRRRR!


  1. Dude. Deep breaths...calm have TiVo, or at least some variety of DVR, right? RIGHT? MY GOD, MAN, what are you waiting for? GET THEE TO BEST BUY!

    Anyway, a 12-mile leisurely run sounds better than what I'll be doing this evening, which is 6 x 1-mile repeats. Fun times for everyone!

    (p.s. you can tell TiVo to record every program with the word "lipstick" in it. Or "knights," if you don't want to blow your cover.)

  2. "have decided to blend their two marathon plans together to formulate my very own personalized marathon training plan because" nothing is ever good enough for me- i should just go and edit it myself for you...

  3. 1. Have fun with that week in FIRST where you have to do a Thursday night 10 mile tempo run.

    2. I love Candis.

  4. Thanks for the reminder - I forgot Lipstick Jungle was on tonight :)

  5. Mid week long runs are the sole reason I've failed to cut my lawn all summer, or washed my car, or picked up my mail, or returned my library books...

    A happy medium between one and five 20 mile runs must be 2.5 20 mile runs.

  6. I like your tag "Some people claim there's a long run to blame." Nice.

  7. Hope the run goes well! And I love FIRST!!!

  8. Good luck! It's so nice to see the humility!

  9. Good Luck! My wife especially likes it if I get home from my midweek long run and crawl right into bed to spoon.

    Try it!

    And get the couch ready...

  10. Yeah. Good luck with that. I ran my 12 mile long run on Monday morning before my conference and I ended up feeling like crap all day.

  11. They brought back Knight Rider? Insane! What's next, Dallas, Dynasty, Three's Company, Miami Vice, and leg warmers? Good luck on the run.

  12. Are you sure none of your weekend obligations can be cancelled or "forgotten"?

  13. I think you won. That is, I came out as a Cashmere Mafia guy and you, a Lipstick Jungler. I don't believe the Mafia is on TV any longer. On the bright side, I'll have more time for Desperate Housewives now. Congratulations.

  14. Just wait until you consider it "just 12 miles" ...

  15. LOVE lipstick jungle :)

    cant wait to read all about the marathon training! having just gone through #1 its so fun to relive it again!

  16. The hardest part of the FIRST program is keeping yourself motivated to run on the off days. Well, then there is the part where every single workout just kicks your A**!

    In fact, you'll get to the point where you look forward to your long runs because they don't hurt nearly as bad as the sprints and tempo runs.

    Good luck in AZ!


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