Friday, September 5, 2008

Race Weekend

Saturday is the Skirt Chaser 5K, which is my first 5K since I posted my Stubble time of 25:56 at the end of last year so it will be a good indication of how well I’m Shaving My 5K. If you’re a new reader of Half-Fast and have only just heard about the Shave Your 5K Challenge it’s not too late for you to enter, especially if you’ve already run a 5K this year. If you haven’t run a 5K this year then it’s still not too late to enter but it probably is too late to win. Enter anyway, because life’s not just about winning; it’s about the journey, the camaraderie, it’s about pushing yourself to the limits because it makes you a better person, and a bunch of other crap like that - anything that takes your mind off the fact that you’re not winning, loser!

The Skirt Chaser race is all about fun, and I have several friends, including Carl, running the race with me so I’m not going to set a real aggressive goal for myself. I want to have enough energy left for the post race bash so that I can party like a rock star. Except without the sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll, and without the musical talent, or the groupies, or the good looks, or the expensive tastes, or the wild temper, or the propensity for dating Pamela Anderson. But other than those few missing details, I’ll be partying EXACTLY like a rock star.

The goal for Saturday is simply to set a new PR, but I’m undecided on how to go about doing that. I usually try to reign myself in at the beginning of a race so as not to fade at the end, but I also recently read this article on Runner’s World that talks about runners having success in 5Ks by going out fast. I kind of like the idea of going out fast because then I’ll be able to catch Candis much sooner, but I also like having a nice strong kick to the finish because it makes me feel good and it always sucks to get passed at the end of a race. Let me hear your thoughts on 5K strategy in the comments so that I can arrogantly ignore them and do my own thing.


  1. Let me know how the Skirt Chaser goes! I wanted to run in that series, but totally forgot about it. Good luck and have a great weekend.

  2. I am prone to taking off way to fast and then cursing at myself over the final mile. The nice part about that is that everyone gets out of the way of the Nut Shouting Profanities At Himself. And you really command an audience.

    Good luck. Down with the PR.

  3. I dunno homie, I think you're going to be a hot mess if you get too drunk. God I hope someone takes a picture.

    No advice, you're a pro at this already. Good luck, smash some time (or be a loser like me and not :P)

  4. Go out fast and hang on until the finish! It's only three miles. Starting slow is for long distance races.

    FYI, your time to beat is 23:28. Go!

    Good luck!

  5. start slow and watch your water intake. bring gu and maybe a banana.

    and don't smack the wrong girl on the butt.

    b.t.w. No Sex?

  6. I am chortling to myself. Not because of you. Because of your funny wife.

    Start out fast. It will be over before you know it (not trying to sabotage you, really, it used to work for me!). You should easily be able to PR. You'll be able to kick at the end no matter what because it's the end!

    Good luck to both of you!

  7. The starting out fast thing (per the Runner's World article) does work, but only for a 5k. I tried it and it actually worked for me.

  8. I say give it everything in the first mile.

  9. I always sprint at the finish and feel like I'm dying... and then 30 seconds after stopping I feel like I could do it again. So I think there's definitely something to be said for going out fast. At least if you use up all your energy early, you've hopefully gotten far enough ahead that it won't matter how slow you are for the last half mile or so!

    I'm thinking about doing a 5K Bagel run on Sunday to try to Shave My 5K (which isn't going to happen). I don't want to be tempted by the bagels though...

  10. I'm the last person who should be giving advice, but how about going out strong in the beginning and then all out halfway through. I've never done this so I have no idea if it'll work.

    Good luck to you and Candis! Have a great weekend.

  11. Definitely go out fast. Just the sound of footsteps at the end will make you sprint it out -- you'll find energy that you didn't know you had left.

  12. I miss 5K.

    Boy. Do I miss 5K.

    Candis cracks me up. brb.

  13. I'm also doing a 5K this weekend and hoping to beat my PR of 25:28. (i.e. beat 25 minutes.) But I'm not setting my expectations too high because I don't want to feel crushed if I don't make it. My money is with the Runner's World strategy for 5K's, though; start out fast and try to keep it up (or better) as long as you can. There's no time to pace yourself in a 5K. Good luck!

  14. Give yourself a chance, so go out 'half fast'. The kick... it's just for show. Finishing strongly from a long way out (i.e. 1k out) always results in a faster time.

    Party hard after the PB.

  15. There's a fine line between winning and whining...go fast keep low!

  16. that race in denver sounds like a fun one.

  17. my best 5k came when i just ran fast (well, relatively). who knew??

    soooooooo, how did you do!?!?????????

  18. BTW, and I nearly forgot about the Shave your 5K thingy. If my fastest 5K was in June, and I get SLOWER, do I use my June time? Please? :)

    Guess I'll have to pony up for a December one.

    Hope your skirt chaser was fun!

  19. My 5K strategy tends to go something like this:

    Mile 1: Go out fast. Really fast. I'm awesome! WOOHOOO!
    Mile 2: Too fast. Shit. I don't run this fast. Um, slow down a bit? Maybe? Except I'm in a groove, so I can't. Stop at aid station to grab water, catch breath, and resume sane yet aggressive pace.
    Mile 3: Only one mile left! Kick it up a notch!
    Finish: No barfing on the volunteers. No barfing on the volunteers.

  20. Nice race, beat your PR by over a minute!


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