Friday, January 30, 2009

The 2009 Shave Your 5K Challenge

The SY5K Challenge is back for 2009, which means another year of relentless speedwork, searching for local 5Ks and me ignoring your e-mails for months on end. When I first announced the SY5K Challenge last year I got a little too addicted to creating rules, because it made me feel important, but the post ended up being waaaaaaaayyyyyyyy too long, albeit delightfully pretentious.

This year in the interest of making things simpler there will be no limitations on when you have to run your stubble 5K or your smooth 5K. Run them both the same day if you want, see if I care. Furthermore, if you submitted a smooth time race for last year’s challenge then I’m putting that down as your stubble time this year, meaning you only have one 5K left to run. Those of you who ran slow races at the end of last year are sitting pretty, but if you run a fast 5K early in the year and feel compelled by the spirit of good sportsmanship to have me update your 5K stubble time (like Sherry, one of the winners from last year) then you can feel free to do that, and also, you totally lack a killer instinct. Since some of you seem to enjoy running on New Year’s Day (when you should be sleeping in and shaking off the cobwebs of the previous year) the contest will end at midnight on January 1st, 2010.

Depending on the number of entries there will probably be 3 different starting corrals: The Super Fast Corral (sub-20:00? sub-21:00?), The Half-Fast Corral (21:00 to 29:59), and the Awkwardly Named Corral (30:00+) that doesn’t want to call you slow but is totally thinking that it could beat you in a footrace. Shaving will be calculated solely on percentage of time shaved and will include bumbling, mathematical errors which are not to be pointed out or questioned for fear of insulting me.

It shouldn’t need to be said but please participate within the spirit of the competition, which is to see how much faster you can get in 2009, not to set the bar really, really low and see how much you can clear it by. That’s what work is for. If you run a race with a slower friend then don’t submit that as your stubble time, there’s no sandbagging allowed. And of course just to try and cover myself from a legal standpoint, all of the lengthy terms and conditions from last year still apply.

All entries should be submitted via e-mail and should include your time, the name of the race, your blog address (if you have one), and your name or online identity.

So, who’s in?


  1. I seriously want to incorporate "delightfully pretentious" into every single day of my life.

    Good luck with your race.

  2. I'm searching for a 5k as we don't speak. I felt a little excluded in 2008, so this is gonna be my year to shave.

  3. I am up for this, are Canadians allowed to shave?

  4. No sandbagging? Damnit. If I didn't participate in 2008, can I still give a 2008 time as my stubble? I'm too cheap to pay for two 5ks in '09.

  5. Count this lurker in ... am registered for a Feb 14 5k & will submit that. Stubble time on Valentine's Day ... hmmm, not sure what to think of that.

  6. I'm definitely in again. I had a ton of fun with this last year!

  7. Sara, the contest is open to people of all nations but you might want to check your local laws because I've known some pretty hairy Canadians in my time so actual shaving might be off limits for you.

  8. I missed out last year so sign me up for this one let's see what happens!

  9. Kristina, sure. Was it at least towards the end of the year?

  10. Man, I've been waiting like two weeks for this post. So excited. Picked out the race and am emailing this link to the buddies I plan on running with.

  11. Sounds like a lot of work to me.

  12. Sure, I'll participate this year! I don't know why I didn't last year. I think I had the intention to but then didn't follow through, hmmm....

  13. I am in. I don't run 5k's but will find a few. My next race is actually call the FAT ASS run (loops of 7.1 mile trail runs)

  14. I'm in.

    As the slowest injured finisher last year, I have everything to gain.

  15. Not sure I can do both races on the same day, as you suggested. But, can I do them in reverse order. I think I can win that way.

    Actually, I'll use my PR from my November race as my stubble time. 29:49. If that's allowed.

    I would have played last year, but that darn marathon screwed up my schedule.

  16. I'm in for this year...watched all last year but decided to go for it this year. My race is tomorrow so I'll email you the info after that...

  17. Awesome!

    I've been waiting for this post! I'm totally in again. I need all the motivation I can get to finally run a sub-30 5K and get the hell out of the "Awkwardly Named Corral" and into the "The Half-Fast Corral"

    BTW, is our corral based on the stubble or the smooth time? If we entered a smooth time last year, do we still need to email you to enter this year?

  18. So. Much. Fun. Thanks!

    Please use my shaved time from last November, which I think was 26:44.


  19. I haven't run a 5K since I submitted my stubble last March. Do I need a new stubble time, or can I just go for a smooth time?

    I'm all over this!

  20. This is Madness!
    After Reid's 1 mile challenge last year, I promised myself that I would not be doing anymore half-cocked online challenges.
    Due to post-marathon depression, I submit that I am in.

    My time during my August Country's BBQ 5K 23 AUG 08 was 20:38. I will make a few attempts to best that time this year.

    Happy Trails!

  21. Ooooh Yay! I'll Shave! I'll Shave!

    That sounded oddly overly-enthusiastic, didn't it?

  22. I've got a 5k tomorrow morning. Since after reading this charmingly witty albeit somewhat unclear posting, I'm still not sure what the procedure for participating in this contest is, I'll just point my sensitive parts at the finish line and pant away until I cross it and hope for a good time.

  23. Ok, now I've just got to find a 5k to run that doesn't conflict with other family activity! This sounds like a lot of fun!

  24. I'm in. Can I use a 5k time from November as my stubble time?

  25. I'm doing it! This gives me an excuse to avoid all those long races -- sorry, but I'm doing a 5k challenge. Not my fault!

  26. I'm in!!! I'm so excited! I haven't run a 5k since college, and that was quite awhile ago for me!

  27. Count me in!
    I shaved 1:07 off my time last year.
    Please count my clean 2008 time as my stubble time for 2009. (Yes, I do normally run the Hangover Classic on New Year's Day, so I will try to count that as my clean figure, at the end of 2009/start of 2010.

  28. Yep... I'm in again.

    Go ahead and use my shaved time from last year (like you already said that you were doing, but I just need to take up some comment space by asking again). I cannot forsee myself running much faster than that this Spring.


  29. so ... do i have this right, if you use my smooth time, which was in december 2008, i can submit my NEW smooth time, set on jan 1, 2009? That seems like CHEATING plus? it removes all the creative tension from my blogging.

    So I guess I'll have to ask you to use my jan. 1 2009 time as my stubble (though it BREAKS MY HEART).

    My lawyers will be calling you to work out the details.

  30. A lurker shows her face!

    I'm totally up to this! My first 5k of 2009 is on February 15, so that might be my shave time, we'll see!!

  31. urr and by shave time, I mean stubble time. You can see why I typically remain a lurker :)

  32. I wasn't able to participate last year, but I am stoked to do it this year. I've even already run my stubble race (New Year's Day). I'm thinking of doing the same race this coming New Year's as well. We'll see what happens. Thanks!

  33. I guess there's no deadline for a stubble time, right? I'm shooting for a Feb 22 5k which will be my first 5k EVER. Doesn't get much more stubbly than that!

  34. Oh yeah, I'm definitely in again. :)

    I might even be able to improve my time over last year.

  35. Sign me up, though I warn you, I'm neither fast, quick, or remotely fact, the only thing I say for sure is I can finish a ain't a pretty finish, but I finish them.
    But this will give me an extra incentive to pick up the pace.

  36. I'm in, but can you make a really limited category (something like "women, aged 45 and 3/4) so I can get a top three finish?

  37. excellent motivation, at least for me. way to go on keepgin it up.. I know I don't comment often but I'm here...watching...lurking...waiting...

  38. This 2009 post is hard to find. Why isnt it on the handy tab at the top so all the would-be "shavers" can quickly find it ... and any updates?

    I'm in, but I have some issues with my 5K time. My recorded time is not my actual time ... my actual is faster. Should I tell the truth, or be slightly immoral by using the offical record? Hmmm....

  39. Me too, me too!

    I don't suppose I can get bonus points for running my FIRST 5K EVER on Valentine's Day in Wisconsin, can I? Oh well, I guess the bonus will just have to be that warmer weather should help with the shaving thing.

  40. So whatever happened with this challenge?


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