Friday, May 1, 2009

Get on Your Side!

Last night I was out running when I experienced a relatively minor inconvenience that I’m going to overreact to this morning because it will make this a much better blog post. At least I’m being honest about it.

Before I get to the major annoyance caused by two inconsiderate idiots (inconsidiots?), allow me to lay the groundwork for the story. When I run I don’t stick to the right side of the path. In fact, I don’t stick to any side of the path, I run the tangents just the same way I would during a race. So if there’s a big left turn ahead, I’m taking the straightest line to get me around the turn on the inside lane. Now I realize that since I run with a Garmin this is a somewhat pointless exercise on my part because if I arrive home and I’ve successfully cut my 6 mile loop down to 5.9 miles I continue running past my house until I reach the desired 6 miles. However, it just seems pointless to run on the outside of a long sweeping curve, my laziness and minimal-effort attitude won’t allow me to do it. Plus, it’s good practice for races when you absolutely should run the tangents so that you don’t end up running a 6.4 mile 10K.

So last night I was out doing a tempo run and you can probably see where this is headed. The path that I regularly run on has a long curve that lasts for almost a quarter mile. On the way back to my house the curve is to the left so I was naturally running on the left side (the inside lane) of the path. Up ahead of me on the path was an older couple out for a leisurely walk. They were heading towards me, walking to their left (the outside lane). Essentially we were both on what would be considered the wrong side of the road or the Xenia side of the road. (Interesting that you can replace the word wrong with the word Xenia, no?) ‘No problem,’ I thought, ‘we’ll all just stay on the side we’re on and we’ll make it through this without any collisions.’ Boy, was I wrong. The couple didn’t notice me coming until we were within 20 feet of each other (poor eye sight?) at which point they scurried (yes, scurried like the rodents they are) over to the inside lane. They did this as I was looking down at my watch, as I tend to do every 30 seconds, and when I looked up I was shocked to find them huddling to the inside part of the turn to give me as much room as possible on the outside. Fortunately I have cat-like reflexes and I managed to avoid bowling these two inconsidiots over. (Inconsidiots FTW! *High Five!*)

As I said above it really wasn’t that much of an annoyance, but I did find it weird. Is there a right and wrong side of the path? Do you always run on the right (or the left if you’re in England)? Speaking of Xenia and England, I really need a favor from everyone who reads this blog. Go over to her post today, find the poll at the bottom of it and vote for anyone but her. We’ll call it revenge for the Photoshop hatchet job she did on me earlier in the week.


  1. Someone's bitter.

    You might be surprised to know that people over here don't abide by any strict rules for which side of the path/pavement/etc to walk on. In fact, I spend most of my time weaving back and forth across the path because of a-holes who walk in large groups on either side going in both directions. It's the only time when English orderliness is not in effect.

    As for having people not vote for me, fire away, everyone. One less post for me to have to write. :)

  2. P.S.--If you want real sympathy from your readership, perhaps you should link them directly to the offending Photoshop pics. Good idea, no? :)

  3. If I run on a path, yes, I run on the right side. I'm afraid you're being an inconsidiot without being aware...

  4. All things considered,everyone involved is at fault. Sorry, I just call it how I see it!

  5. Xenia - I thought about it, but then I figured if I linked to the offending post people would be more likely to just go look at the pictures and forget to vote. This way, if they want to go look at the pictures they have to scroll past the poll to get there.

  6. As per your previous post, you are the retard we know. Get on the right side.

  7. I run on a sidewalk/path that has no "lanes." We're not that organized here in FL, so when I come upon someone, how we pass one another is usually a guessing game.

    As a side note, I must never follow the inside path as you do in races, because I always run about a tenth over the mileage.

  8. I rarely run on a trail or path, I'm usually on the road. I run on the left side of the road, so I would probably tend toward the left side of the path out of habit. I think meeting another pedestrian is just a guessing game, though.

    I've never really thought about it.

  9. I run on trails as much as possible, and I run where ever everyone else is not. That way I avoid any contact.

    It does prolong my run by about 2.3 milliseconds, but I think I can live with it.

  10. run the shortest route available, I force people from one side of the path to the other all the time. I'm just better than they are.

  11. I don't have much problem with the whole left/right side of the road thing. The people in my 'hood seem to be Considiots (not sure it works this way also.) I do so love the people who move completely off the trail only to leave their dog on the completely opposite side of the path attached to a leash effectively making my run a true Limbo run.

  12. Sorry, but you're kind of wrong here. We're not in England! You're supposed to run on the right side of the path so that faster runners and bikers can pass you without incidents.

    What you do is exactly what I describe as my pet peeve!! Hate it when people are inconsiderate by not staying in the correct side of the trail -- you wouldn't drive like that, so why run/bike like that?

  13. The path that I have walked on, says to stay to your right, pass on your left. So that's what I did.

    When running on the road, it depends on the road as to what side I run on. Guinness runs on my left. She doesn't have that stupid retractable leash so if I go right, she is going right with me.

  14. ...the only thing better...the old people with a dog on a retractable leash. The best.

  15. I often run on the rec center tracks, and there are CLEARLY posted signs all over the d@mn thing that say "Do not walk side-by-side" and "Walkers stay on the INSIDE of track" in theory, giving us fast and awesome runners room to actually, um, run around the outside. BUT the, inconsidiots are always walking 3-abreast (usually annoying out-of-shape moms whow are gabbing too loudly to notice my pounding feet coming up behind them) and walking right down the middle or GOD FORBID walking in the outside lane. So I swerve around them and then right back where I was just as I pass them, effectively cutting them off. I think it is most effective when I actually brush them a little as I cut in front. You know, show them what awesome looks like, up close.

    And yes, I think you should be on the right side of the path, at all times. Suck it up and run your extra tenth of a mile on the corners. It makes you tougher. :-)

  16. I run on the right like I'm driving a car. Unfortunately, I should be running in the "slow lane" but I cannot find it. I'm obviously not in it cuz I always get people whipping by me giving me dirty looks for being the one slowing down traffic ...

  17. An ex-officer organizes part of our group, and he says it's actually the law that runners on roads must run against the flow of traffic -- so that's what we do. Then we flip to the right side when on a trail. It's a mess to figure out sometimes.


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