Thursday, May 7, 2009

Go Away! Want Sleepy!

This morning I would like to tell you all about the importance of a good night’s sleep: It is very important to get a good night’s sleep. How important? Well let’s consult the crudely made sleep vs. probability of running graph that I just concocted in MS Paint and find out.

Fascinating stuff huh? On Monday night I managed to get roughly 4½ hours of sleep. Naturally, when I got home from work on Tuesday I was exhausted and knew from my handy dandy probability graph that there was only a 20% chance of me actually running. As it turns out, I didn’t run on Tuesday. It seems that there have been a lot of late nights over the past few weeks due to some extracurricular activity (which makes it sound way more intriguing than it is) and that has really affected my running. If I’m tired when I get home from work there’s little chance of me running and when I do get myself out the door my pace usually suffers. I guess there is something to be said for making sure you get enough sleep.

Recently, some of you have noted that I used to be a morning runner and have asked why I’m not one anymore. The answer is pretty simple. Back in the days when I was enjoying morning running (or more accurately enjoying not having to run after work) I didn’t have to be in the office until 8 or 8:30. Plenty of time to get in a run. Lately I’ve been getting to the office a lot earlier (so much for banker’s hours) and I frequently work from an office that is much farther from my house which means that if I wanted to get in a short run at my lumbering pace I’d need to wake up somewhere around 4am and as I’m sure you’re all painfully aware there is no such thing as 4am. So essentially it’s not even physically possible for me to run in the mornings anymore.

Note: I’m sure that there are some of you out there that get up and run at 4am on a regular basis or who have to leave for work earlier than I do and you’re welcome to call me a sissy, pantywaist in the comments, you’ve earned it. Regardless, I won’t be getting up at 4am to run before work, that’s just not my style. What I will be doing is trying to get more sleep. This is going to require me to not watch so much TV in the evenings... hmmmm... that doesn’t sound like the answer. Maybe I should just start showing up later for work or taking more naps at my desk during the day. Yes, that sounds much more doable.


  1. I used to get up at 4am for a few months after our youngest was born and my wife wanted me back in the house by 6 or 6:30. You're a sissy. Actually, I ended up with pneumonia from running in the winter at 4:30 in the morning (no kidding); maybe you're just smarter than me.

  2. D gets up for work at 4AM. I've been saying for 6 mos that I would get up at that time and go run.

    How many times has that happened? 0

  3. haha that graph is AWESOME.
    Normally I do set my alarm for 4:30 and am at the gym by 5 (unless its a weekend - and I'm outside!). but last night I didn't hit the sheets until midnight, which seems to be a recurring issue this week. and there have been NO early morning runs (or....any runs...oops). Clearly the graph says it all! four hours of sleep and exercise? no no no.

  4. I can totally relate. 2.5 hours for me on Tuesday night. Didn't run on Wednesday. Today, Thursday, I ran 4 miles, and it was slow and painful. I'd like to chalk it up to the fact that you're always more tired 2 days after that fitfull night's sleep. I hope to be back in the game tomorrow.

  5. Call you a sissy? Never. That would make me a hypocrite. I live in Alabama and ran ONCE in the DARK early morning hours...
    Alabama + Dark = 'POSSUMS! And they are mean! *sigh* I am a proud after-work-runner.

  6. BUT summer in the south??? You gotta run in the dark and how can I run at nite when I need to be in bed at 830pm?

  7. How come there's never a 100% chance?

  8. Can't you watch TV during the day? I thought hulu was invented so I could catch up on my shows at work.

  9. No chance for morning running for me either - I'm just not getting up when that alarm goes off earlier then 6AM.

    Makes summertime running very hot around here though...

  10. That graph is a beauty. You even labeled the axes and used parallel increments on them. I'm swooning.

  11. The only time I've heard of 4 a.m. is during after-hours parties following bars closed.

    Running in the morning is for race day.

  12. naps at work are the best, just don't drool on any important papers.

  13. Just wipe the drool off your cheek & rub off some of the creases before you emerge from your work naps.

  14. M$ Paint??


    What, was M$ Bob too space-age and hi-tech for you?


    (I'll make you tell me to Shut Up one way or another, Mr. Vanilla.)

  15. I get in the office between 8 and 8:30 (who's kidding who, 8:45 every day) and I still wouldn't get up early to run. Need sleepy.

  16. You could be like George Costanza and have a little nook built for you under your desk for those naps at work.

    But I want to hear more about this extra curricular activity that has you only getting 4 and 1/2 hours of sleep. Unless it's a newfound addiction to WOW; then, I don't want to hear about it.

  17. I roll into work about 8:45 and have no kids. Like Nitmos, I don't even CONSIDER running in teh morning.

  18. I've been having major issues getting up for my morning runs. But the "x" axis on my graph would say "glasses of wine."

  19. I used to run mornings too... then I started staying up late (good ole college life) which resulted in no more running mornings. The sad thing is my alarm still goes off at 5:30 though - just in case.

  20. Yeah, sorry. 4:00 AM is when I usually get home from my weekday gym/run workout. 3x/week. Weekend runs, I usually leave home at about 5, depending on how far I'm going. So, you're all sissies. But very nice people, I'm sure...

  21. I have a baby who gets up at the first sign of sunlight. But I'm not working out ... and I'm glad :)

  22. I hear ya on not wanting to run AFTER work...that is the only way I can get myself going in the morning...and I have to be at work for 7! Only problem is if I run in the a.m. I am off work at 3 with too much time to watch tv and drink afternoons are actually better (for my waistline anyway!)

  23. It doesn't help that these Nuggets games get done so late.

  24. "Sissy! Pantywaist!" There, got that out of my system. The no such thing as 4am comment is hilarious. I stole it ... oh, wait, no, I quoted you on my blog.

    Running in Alabama and Missy: even summer evenings and nights are hot and muggy in the south (I live in Richmond, VA). The only time the temps are bearable for me is early morning about the time the sun comes up.

  25. I'm a morning runner and I can't even dream of waking up at 4am for a run. 4:45am is my absolute limit--and that crap only flies during peak training.

  26. Half-fast, I have to tell you that as I crawled out of bed (late) to attempt a run, I remembered this post and laughed. In fact, I was/am so indecisive about the prospect of running today that I blogged about it an used your graph ( with credit, of course!) to illustrate my frustration. Thanks for writing a blog that is such a source of inspiration and humor for a new runner like me.


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