Friday, May 22, 2009

Don’t Drink and Run

With Memorial Day weekend already upon us many folks will be reminding you not to drink and drive as you celebrate your 3 day release from work. That’s solid advice, but I don’t think it goes far enough. I’m reminding you not to drink and run this holiday weekend, at least not in that order. As with drinking and driving, drinking and running is only safe when performed in the reverse order: Run first, then drink. The video clip that follows is Adam Savage of Mythbusters demonstrating what happens when you get drunk and then run on a treadmill.

I love Mythbusters. Where else on TV are you going to see a clip of a drunk guy running on a treadmill filmed with a high speed camera? I’m not sure if this clip has been aired on the show yet but this version of it includes Adam’s commentary of what he was thinking each step of the way.

Have a great Memorial Day everyone, I’ll catch you all on the flip side with a race report from the Bolder Boulder. I’d post my bib number for those of you who can’t wait until Tuesday to learn how I did but I don’t remember it so you’ll just have to look me up by name. I’m assuming that you’ve already figured out my real name, what with those creepy, stalker tendencies that you display. Don’t make me get a restraining order, you sicko.


  1. That video is hysterical. Good luck at the BB. I'll try to remember to take your advice and save my five scotches until after the race.

  2. I haven't even read this post and already I don't like it because I don't care for posts that begin with "Don't".

    No, wait. That's not true.

    I don't care for posts that begin with "Don't Drink".

    Especially on Fridays.

  3. Good luck! I've stupidly signed up for a 5k on the 4th of July, and I'm already thinking about my drinking and running schedule. Luckily, the race is at 8 in the morning, so I'm thinking I can hold off until afterwards. Barely. :)

  4. Good luck being "Bold" this weekend.

    FYI - one of my best five mile runs was the morning after far too many beers. Thus, in a short span of time, I agree with the Don't Drink and Run" mantra. However, if we're talking about Drink, Sleep (Pass Out) and Run; different story.

  5. That video is fantastic. I image that's what Viper looks like on a daily basis. Minus the human hamster wheel of course.

    Good luck this weekend. If I can be bothered to stalk you I will, but probably not.

    GO CANDIS!!! :)

  6. And by 'image' I mean 'imagine'. Sonofa....

  7. I love Myth Busters too. I'd think Tory was super duper hot if his name wasn't "Tory".

    Good luck on Monday!

  8. Not this past Christmas eve, but the one before that, I went for a 3 mile run after drinking 3 beers, and all I can say is that it was uncomfortable. All that beer just sloshed around in my stomach.

  9. Thanks for that...I am very much looking foward to running then drinking good Vermont beer this weekend!!!

    p.s. drinking and swimming is equally disatorous...i know this from early saturday a.m practices.

  10. It's a lot easier to stay upright when you run on actual ground, instead of on a silly contraption. However, it doesn't do much for sobriety. I think running and the increased pulse makes the booze work faster.

    Good luck this weekend, Candis.

  11. I can't see the video, per usual, so I'll just say Good Luck to Candis also.

  12. I'll need to remember that tonight. Running tomorrow morning but going out withthe girls tonight. Guess I'll have water on the rocks.

  13. So funny!! Just watched that video 3 times. Hmmm, guess it's time to make the kids lunch now ...

  14. Went to college in Boulder. Should be a great race. Hilarious video - way too funny!


  15. Holy pure amazingness.

    Good luck this weekend.

  16. hilarious video...thanks for sharing...

  17. thank you for posting that video, it was f'n fantastic! rock your 10K and beat your wife if it makes you feel like more of a man...that didn't sound right.

  18. The Mythbusters are my heroes. That video just confirms. Thanks.

  19. Break a leg!

    Oh wait. That's what you say to someone who's going on stage. Oops. Ignore above comment. My sad bad.

  20. Good Luck this weekend.

    I can't wait when you place and we read all about it, seriously!!!!

  21. I hope you have a great run tomorrow!

    I love Mythbusters and that was eye opening- I'm surprised he didn't break an arm!

  22. I think I just laughed a cramp in my cheeks!

  23. Ah drunk people on film, always fun.


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