Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Fat Guy in a Little Cart

My legs have been feeling a little tight lately, so when it came time to do my long run on Saturday afternoon I decided to take it easy and run at a much more leisurely pace than usual. It was a pleasant and enjoyable run until it went south. I’m speaking metaphorically here because I was actually running north when things went metaphorically south.

I turned north onto a street that runs past the golf course and was wishing that I was playing golf because regardless of how pleasant a run is it still doesn’t compare to the joy of cursing your way around a golf course for 4 hours. As I ran down the sidewalk a golf cart pulled up next to me on the adjacent cart path, separated only by small strip of perfectly mowed grass. At first I thought nothing of it, but then I began to wonder why the cart was keeping pace with me. I glanced over to see two fat guys grinning at me from their ride.

Now when I say that these guys were fat I’m not just trying to be offensive towards them (although if it comes across like that I’m totally OK with it), they were absolutely huge. The golf cart could barely contain them. Their legs were oozing out from under the armrests, performing an intense stress test on the tensile strength of their plaid golfer’s shorts. The guy that was (mostly) in the passenger seat was so big that he had fat rolls on the back of his head above his nonexistent neck and I can only assume that his polo shirt had been custom made by Omar’s Tent and Awning Company. OK, so maybe I’m trying to be a little offensive, but they totally started it.

As I glanced over at them the passenger began swinging his arms like he was running and hung his tongue out in what I assume was mock exhaustion. At first I was quite taken aback that these two supersize human beings were mocking me for running, but I quickly regained my composure and yelled “Hey, why don’t you come join me, you look like you could use the exercise!” Not a great comeback admittedly but I was still a little gobsmacked at the preposterousness of the situation.

The passenger’s expression went from laughing to angry and he shouted something at me that I was not able to hear over whatever P!nk was angrily yelling through my earbuds, but I assume it was something like “Get in mah BELLY!” Not wanting to give him the last word I yelled at him again, “Why don’t you show some mercy to that poor golf cart and walk a few holes!” Much better comeback. At this point the golf cart path veered away from the sidewalk and we went our separate ways. The funny thing is that we probably both referred to our Saturday afternoon activity as ‘exercise,’ but only one of us was correct with that description, and as usual that one was me.


  1. These sound like the type of fellows that sweat when they eat. Way to take 'em down a few pegs. You're a big game hunter (and an inspiration.)

    Also, nice use of tensile. If I was still scoring, you'd get huge points.

  2. Good for you yelling back! I might not have had the guts to do it. Running is so much cooler than being fat :)

  3. Hilarious! I would have just given them a little wave, but your responses are totally priceless.

  4. ha ha ha ha. Nice responses, you are one quick witted sob. I always want to post about overweight people I see, but then I know I'd get so much shit I couldn't handle it. So my overweight stories stay in my mind :)

  5. I have dreams about shouting out witty comments. Usually about two days later.

    BTW is sweating while eating OK if the food is some guy in running shorts who is yelling stuff at you?

  6. p.s. When does the running streak start?

  7. What a douchebag. And for once I'm not referring to you when I say that.

    Good on you for the comeback. I probably would have been too stunned and only able to muster a one-finger salute.

  8. Well played, sir. Life so rarely hands you situations where you are 100% right and the other person is 100% wrong.

  9. I probably would have just gone for the Nelson Munsen-ish "Ha ha! You're fat!"

    But I'm not as clever as you are.

  10. Yet another reason I hate people (them not you). People like that give us obese people a bad rap.

  11. When in doubt, use profanity. Or make fun of their mothers, both of whom must have been galactic birth such fatties.

    Strong work.

  12. Ha ha I love the Austin powers fat bastard reference.

    Fat people are funny because they look like giant angry babies ;)

  13. Nice job with the instant awesome comeback. I'm one of those who generally comes up with the perfect retort long after the moment has passed.

  14. Those people were assholes, no doubt.

    Though really, some of the folks commenting on here sound like real assholes too.

    You want some real fun, try being a fat chick like me out running. I'd say some of the comments I've gotten while out trying to get some exercise (and hey, maybe not be so fat) are far worse than a couple of dudes in a golf cart giving you a hard time. Probably from some of your commenters here.

  15. Anon,

    I always tell myself that the people who stare when I run by them aren't staring at the fat chick, they're lost in amazement at my incredible beauty, and the people who make 'fat chick' comments are simply too shy to confess their incredibly strong attraction to me. Happens all the time.

    Plus, yes, some people are jerks. Most aren't.

  16. Anon, I don't think that anyone here is making fun of fat people in general, just two fat people who acted like idiots. While I'm sure it doesn't compare to the grief you get when you're running, we've all been yelled at on a run and it's nice to give some back in the comments section.

    If I thought any of the comments here were written with a mean intent I'd likely remove them.

  17. "...I'd likely remove them." Way to give yourself some wiggle room.

  18. I'm so glad you yelled at them. And twice too! Nice!

  19. True, I don't want to be oversensitive, and I can chuckle at the Austin Powers reference with the rest of them. Hell, I've told a BLT to "get in mah belleh!" more than once. :)

    But I do think a lot of the comments here weren't just talking about the jerks in the golf cart. Just saying, I found it disheartening, especially Chic Runner's comment--what 'overweight people stories' does she have, exactly? Har har, fatties are sooo funny and you're obviously soooo perfect because you're not. Just rubbed me the wrong way.

    Anywho, I do love this blog, and this Running Fatty enjoys your humor, so no harm, no foul. :)

  20. Oh, I'm jealous that you thought of a witty response so quickly. I would have most likely flipped them off and wasted the remainder of the day thinking of comebacks that I should have said.

  21. So, did you keep your easy pace, you know with P!nk and all? You didn't let those goof balls screw up your run, cuz then they would have won.

    Who knows, maybe you'll see them on 'Biggest Loser' next season. Wouldn't that be something, all because you told them to get movin!

  22. OMG People really suck sometimes, don't they? I guess you'll have the last laugh regardless, because there is no way they will outlive you. It's actually sad for them, but then again, they were total assholes.

  23. I would have been afraid that they would have eaten me if would have said what you said! LOL

  24. Color me impressed by your chutzpah, both with your snappy comments and your daring to be plowed over by a very heavy golf cart. I sure hope you did that girly snapping move across your chest while you said it.

  25. Did you really drop Austin Powers? Awesome.

  26. Mocking you? For all you know they might have just been saying something like "this is what I would look like if I tried that" and completely not meant to mock you at all.

    If it was a cartload of beautiful scantily clad coeds with 10% body fat doing the same exact thing I bet you would have handled the situation with a little more tact.

    How in the world did those guys "deserve" to be verbally berated? Sounds like from your description they were just toodling along on the cart having a good time until you threw the first punch. "You look like you could use the exercise?" Really? Like they don't KNOW they are fat. LIke they aren't reminded of it daily, hourly... even by the second.

    Seriously, you said this in response to a rather dorky display of childish fun shared amongst buddies -- looks like you should seriously reassess the situation. Because from what I'm reading, you basically made yourself look like a condescending judgmental turd.

  27. Wow chia, having a bad day? Speaking of being a condescending judgmental turd you might want to check the mirror because you just did it too, based on something you read on a blog known for satire.

    Trust me when I tell you that it was not a 'dorky display of childish fun,' it was a mean spirited attempt to bully someone who didn't even notice them at first. And I can guarantee you my response would have been the same regardless of their looks because when someone is making fun of you they are never attractive in the true sense of the word.

    From their drunken high fives and general mannerisms I'd guess that you were more offended by my comments than they were.

  28. I am going to be laughing about this all day. Thanks!

    I think BOTH of your comebacks were AWESOME!!!

  29. Sounds like they were drunk, jealous asshats that wanted to make fun of someone doing something they consider stoopid. Regardless of weight...you had every right to call them out. We've all been yelled at or screamed at by folks driving by as we run...maybe next time they'll think twice, probably not though

  30. I feel bad for that poor golf cart.

    Talk about having to work overtime.

    so dude, are you doing the Denver Half Marathon this year?

  31. LOL. Oh. my. god.

    fkn hilarious.

  32. omfg, I just had a great and healing laugh first at your post, then at the ensuing comments! Everybody just C-H-I-L-L a little...

  33. Awesome story! Well done on the combacks, though I'd have taken the time to relieve P!nk of her angst so as to hear the fat boys talk. It might have lead to an even better story, if that's possible. I was also glad to hear that your run didn't go "south" in the usual way runners mean when they say so - injury. Nice work!

  34. And lastly, in your defense, I suspect that you would have posted a similar story if the two golf-cart guys were skinny and acting the same way. I certainly took it as a "this is what happened" kind of thing, and not a post aimed at ridiculing those with weight problems.

  35. **Passing out Xanex to all because I do love an evening with a Xanex.

  36. I've been mocked before, and I'm a rather large guy who looks funny running, so it goes with the territory.
    Kids laugh at me, even had a couple of young girls snarkily say as I passed them ( I went on the street, while they remained on the sidewalk) "did you feel an earthquake?"I think if you never been fat, then yeah, having a couple of snockered golfers mock you can be irritating.
    For me, however, I would have thought to myself "And those two are reminders of why I run, and have changed my eating habits."

  37. This is so awesome, I'm so glad you said something to them! People can be so ridiculous, it blows my mind! Way to go! -e

  38. Making fun of/disrespecting running is a huge pet peeve of mine. I'm glad you got your witty comeback in.


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