Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Deer Whisperer

As you already know if you read my last post (and shame on you if you didn’t) I spent last weekend in Grand Lake, CO. Despite my humiliation and failure at the Granby Gut Buster 5K I was still calling myself a runner and was looking forward to a Sunday morning long run which would take place on some of the nearby mountain trails. One of the great things about running on the trails is that it makes me feel at one with nature. I prance around the woods like a young fawn, I drink from the streams and I blend into the scenery as though I am one of the woodland creatures.

I was roughly 6 miles into my long run when I rounded a bend and came across the following scene:

It’s tough to make them all out but there were 4 deer on the trail ahead, one of them was a young fawn (like me!). Evidently they had not heard or smelled me approaching, probably because I was at one with nature and also because I had just doused myself in urine (unintentionally) when I stopped for a pee break a mile back. Now, unlike some cowardly running bloggers, who are apparently afraid of deer, I did not turn and run away like a frightened little girl. Remember that when I am running, I am at one with nature and so I continued to approach the deer. All but one of them immediately fled but the remaining deer (who will likely end up as some hunter’s dinner) stuck around to check me out. I approached her slowly, speaking softly like the Deer Whisperer that I am. I whipped out my camera phone to take some pictures and the deer was so at ease with me that we dropped into the roles of photographer and model without hesitation.

“Yes! That’s it baby! Work it! Work it! Yes! Now show me coy.”

“Excellent, now turn around and give me a shot of that sexy haunch. Ooooh, you’re giving me chills, you sexy doe.”

After I had taken a few pictures it was time to get back to running and my new friend agreed to pace me for a little while.

We eventually parted ways, but not before she told me a funny story about the rube she once saw running on the trails that was terrified of deer. We laughed long and hard about that one before we said our goodbyes. Can you imagine that? Someone being afraid of a deer? That’s funny stuff.
Bonus Deep Thought by Jack Handey
“I saw on this nature show how the male elk douses himself with urine to smell sweeter to the opposite sex. What a coincidence!”


  1. In the first picture the deer seems to be thinking, "that's one ugly buck..."

  2. If only I ran slow enough to take pictures of the deer I ran past on Sunday night, I too would be poking fun at that coward.

  3. I was also wondering about your pace. Cameras, playful banter with woodland animals...I think the reason for your humiliation in the Gut Buster 5k is starting to come into focus.

  4. I'm sure you've heard this before, but mine (deer) were bigger.

  5. Yeah, that 11 year old girl would have elbowed them out of the way and flown right past those deer.

  6. You do know that beastiology is illegal right? You may want to consider taking down those "sexy shots" LMAO! Great post!!! :)

  7. I ran in a race once (cross country style) where a runner was HIT by a deer!

  8. Last summer a deer tried to get into Jared's truck after a long day of fishing. But maybe that was actually you, just being one with nature. Huh.

  9. Amy, was it wearing pee-stained Asics 2130s? That's a good way to tell if it was me or a deer.

  10. So let me get this straight: you were hitting on the deer? Huh. You think you know a running blog friend you've never met or spoken to but communicate with almost daily.

  11. Good one! Let us know when you decide to post what REALLY happened out there with the deer!

  12. Add a couple of friendly chipmunks and a few songbirds flying around your head humming "whistle while you run" and you're a genuine fairy princess. Oops, that didn't quite come out right.

  13. Long run or leasurely hike through the woods? The terms are probably interchangeable...

  14. trail runs are the best. great story.

  15. LOL....

    did ya know that I was a "dude pushing around a shopping cart full of various shit because he's drunk" whisperer?

  16. I like running around Goose and Loon Lakes. Then one day I ran into geese on the trail and remembered that geese love attacking and biting people in the back of the legs. My options were run through the geese, climb up the side a steep hill or muck it through the lake. I choose the hill and escaped any bite marks.

  17. According to, a fawn is a young deer, especially one that is unweened. Does this mean that you are on a exclusive milk diet? You need more carbs...

  18. I'd like to hear more about you getting pee all over yourself. Did you try to fish it out one side of your leg or something? Now THAT is being one with nature.

  19. I think chasing a deer down in the forest is some form of harassment.


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