Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Party’s Over

You’ll be pleased to know that the pity party here at Half-Fast has come to a close. After two days of wallowing in my failure and moping around the house I finally went and ran again last night. We dragged our children (drug? - or is that a different parenting technique) to the local middle school track and forced them to sit on the hot metal bleachers and yell encouraging things as Candis and I did some 800s because we like to make it hurt so good.

In the past I’ve written some disparaging things about intervals but last night it was just what the doctor ordered, assuming the doctor is a sadistic prick who wants to hurt you. If runners were emo, intervals would be how we cut ourselves.

Surprisingly, it felt good to be out there struggling for breath. It felt good to push my legs to the point of exhaustion. It felt good to hurt myself and I couldn’t help but wonder if this is the same feeling or high that emo people get when they carve stuff into their arms. It was like I was connecting to them on their level, but without the skinny jeans.

Reaching your limits in training is what helps you to push them back, and that’s just what I needed last night. That and a good psychological evaluation but one out of two ain’t bad, right?


  1. Intervals and emo kids... who would've imagined there was a connection? Just discovered your blog and enjoying it! Almost as much as I enjoy a whole bunch of hill repeats.

  2. I hate it when "society" makes us run intervals.

  3. 2 comments? Screw you guys! I'll start writing another post when you start commenting on this one. The pity party is back ON!

  4. Since your kids were in the bleachers were they at least cheering you on, doing the wave, or mooning you while doing your intervals? ;)

  5. I wish I had kids! I'd tether them to light poles and make them hand me water during my long runs!

  6. dang I hate intervals. and emos.

  7. Glad you dregged yourself out and ditched the pity party. You are more fun when you're full of yourself. I still think you should have said "hi" to me at the race. We could have all huddled together for warmth. Are you wearing your new cute t-shirt?

  8. You've probably been making your kids get you beer from the fridge for as long as they could walk, haven't you?

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Were there any emo kids hanging out underneath the bleachers wondering aloud as to why society dictates that "we" have to run around the track counter-clockwise?

  11. For Dog's sake, don't train!!! I LIKE when you're slow and self-pitying.

  12. Thank goodness the whining is done for today.

  13. "If runners were emo, intervals would be how we cut ourselves"

    classic...needs to be on a t-shirt somewhere

  14. don't know what to say right now, but like this post. it has made me laugh, and also remember that the best cure for self pity is to just get out there and run my heart out! :)

  15. Couldn’t have said it better myself.

  16. I think a lot of us would find it amusing to see you in skinny jeans.


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