Monday, December 1, 2008

It’s Not a Tumor

The mystery of my knee has been solved, thanks to the miracle of internet self-diagnosis. I recently followed an ad to the iVillage Symptom Solver website which asked me lots of questions about the pain and then proceeded to tell me that I have rheumatoid arthritis.

If it is rheumatoid arthritis then I’m screwed because the Symptom Solver also told me that there is no cure for R.A. That Symptom Solver has the worst bedside manner ever. Seriously, you can’t break that to me a little easier? You can’t tell me gently that there isn’t a cure? You can’t warm up your hands before we do the hernia check?

Despite the thorough diagnosis of the Symptom Solver, I won’t be cancelling my trip to the Orthopedic Specialist this afternoon. Hopefully he’ll be able to give me a better answer, with any luck it will even be the right answer and hopefully his hands will be warmer too. I’m actually kind of excited to go see the doctor and find out what’s wrong with my knee and what treatment it requires. I’ll bet dollars to donuts that it’s not any of the items listed on Symptom Solver’s results because even if I lose, most donuts cost close to a buck now anyway.

My guess is that it’s Patellofemoral Syndrome or Chlamydia... no... wait, I think I mean Chondromalacia. It had better not be Chlamydia, I hear that will really mess up your knee.


  1. did it ask you if you were 80?!

  2. Symptom solver or worry maker? Are you telling me that the Internet can't do everything??? Good luck at the Dr.'s!

  3. The same thing told me RA about a year ago. The doctor said it was wrong. Unfortunately, the doctors still don't know what it is. Have you tried hitting your other knee. Wait till they send you to the PT. You will wish you stayed home and rubbed some dirt and sap on it.
    Good Luck.

  4. I WebMD myself into cancer at least once a month.

  5. I hear with chlamydia they have to amputate. Good luck with that.

  6. I'm still betting on ITB. But I won't be shocked if it's VD.

  7. I'm with Viper. Not physically, but mentally. If I were with him physically, I just would have added to his comment instead of sending my own. Proof that we are NOT together. Physically.

    All you can really do for IT band is rest, ice and not run. Sucks. I've missed 5 races.

    Try this...

    It helps a lot.

  8. I vote for none of the above until you at least get an x-ray. :)

    Question... Can you predict the weather with you knee? I mean, like my dearly departed aunt who used to rub her knee and say "I feel a storm on the way."

    *Still sending healing thoughts your way.*

  9. What do you want for free from the Symptom Solver? Diagnosis and 5.00 coupon off a knee brace...

  10. Did the diagnosis come with a membership application for AARP?

  11. This is why people become hypocondriacs. LMAO. You're hilarious! But seriously, if chlamydia you got some 'splainin' to do! hahahha

  12. Hope your appointment went well!

  13. Hope everything will be fine for you.

  14. But chlamydia is an easy fix! I'd pick that.

    Good luck. Orthos like to give out cortisone shots, and those can have instant success. Maybe you'll be all healed up by dinner.

  15. My mom has R.A. and she's fairly young (not AARP-worthy yet). Maybe you do have it. Or it's crabs. Either way, the doc will be handling your man berries soon. Have fun with that.

  16. Just wait, soon you will be able to diagnose your symptoms and then an online surgeon will help you do your surgery via Skype or something... its coming...

    Hope everything goes well!

  17. I hope the Doc can give you some answers, or umm better answers.

  18. Hmmm, the internet can't accurately dispense medical diagnosis? No wonder I took all those pills and nothing ever *ahem* elongated as promised.

    Keep positive. Plenty of time for healing, training and marathoning still.

  19. Am I the only one who is disturbed by how soon after you fantasized about the ortho's warm hands (for the hernia check), you admitted to being "excited" at the prospect of seeing him?

    Try not to excite yourself right into a "money shot". I hear most orthos don't go for that.

    Good luck with the knee.

  20. PFS, you'll be fine knee replacement recovery is really quick these days!

  21. Its a crazy world we live in that people can diagnose themselves on line. What if you get a 501 error


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