Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Where It All Began?

I was recently at my parent’s house, lamenting all the cool toys that they’ve bought for my children that they never bought for me and generally being an ungrateful son when I came across a box of some of my old school work. One of the items in the box was my old ‘News Book’ where we kept a record of the things in our lives that we deemed newsworthy. I’m not sure what grade or age I was in when I wrote the entries in this book, but clearly it was sometime before they taught us punctuation or appropriate sentence length. You may catch some distinctly British phrases mixed in because I grew up in England and also, you should probably be reading it with an English accent.

It says:
June 6
In the holidays was when my daddy took me out for a 1 mile run and I went to Village day and I tried to win a football lots of times but I never did get one and I went on the merry go round and then I had a go at throwing a ball at the can and I got a key ring with a cat on it and my worst thing was when I got a pain in the neck and I got sun burnt.
Now, this brings up some interesting questions like; what on earth is Village day? Was the pain in my neck from the sunburn or in addition to it? Was this my first ever run or had we done this before? Did we run any intervals during that mile? What was the elevation profile like? How do you stretch one sentence out over 2 pages like that? Because seriously, that would have been a useful skill to have remembered in college. And finally, why the hell was I in school on June 6th? That’s practically the middle of the summer. These are all things I’d like to know. I wish I could go back in time and grab that little boy who wrote that by the collar and yell “be more specific,” while shaking him violently, because I think I’d be the better for it.

There were a number of other entries in the book that were a lot funnier than this one, but I found it interesting that I apparently started running and writing about running a long time ago. Check it, I even got a comment on it.

It’s also kind of neat that even at a young age you can see my writing style starting to develop into the complex style that I still use today on my blog and I still run just like I did in the holidays and I even ran last night on the treadmill and I didn’t want to because of the pain in my knee and then I did and soon I’m going to run a marathon and I’ll probably write about it too and I’m going to be fast and I hope that my knee doesn’t hurt and soon I will learn about punctuation and appropriate sentence length.
Exciting Podcasty Update: The new podcast is up, download it here or search for it on iTunes.


  1. A cat keychain?


    And yo...where are the naked illustrations? All the cool kids include nakes illustrations.

  2. And yet your writing has regressed. How'd that happen?

  3. Remember that one time I said you go on and on and on? I didn't realize you have been doing so for so long. Poor boy, indeed.

  4. It seems you've been getting sympathy for your writing and running for a very long time indeed.

    You make no mention of a Garmin in the entry which leads me to believe you, in fact, didn't get any cool gadgets from your parents for Christmas after all.

  5. How in the world did you use the expression "had a go at throwing a ball??"

    "had a go", eh?

    Apparently, your writing acumen has somehow slipped over the years.

  6. runonsentencesaretrulyobnoxiousandIcannotstandpeoplewhodothatsopleasepleasedonotmakeanotherrunonsentenceforthelifeofmesinceitconfusesmybrainandmakesmewanttohuddleinacornerandnotevermoveagain

  7. oy, that was me above...dam computer always wanting to use that s/n instead of this one.

  8. I call COPYCAT!


    I ran in a one-mile road race with my dad when I was about 7 or 8 years old. I wish I could remember what my time was. All I really remember about that day was that later that night I ended up getting the stomach flu and barfing everywhere. I'm surprised the association of running = throwing up didn't turn me off to running for the rest of my life. The vomiting association, it is strong.

  9. "In the holidays was when my daddy took"

    Shouldn't it read

    "In the holidays was when ME Daddy took"

  10. In addition to the complete absence of any reference to a Garmin of any sort whatsoever, the provenance of this work is called into question by the shocking lack of any reference to funny video clips.

  11. This is too fun, but like you, I want more details! :) And what's with the run ons. Didn't you learn anything in elementary school!

  12. That is soo cool! Complete memory loss from the past. Turns out you ran a marathon the next day or somethin, we will lnever know!

  13. Much more exciting than when I found something I'd written at a young age while going through things a few years ago.

    The writing sample I found was a letter to President Bush detailing the problems I saw with the country and what I thought he should do to fix them.

    As I read it, I realized that I could probably send it pretty much verbatim to his son.

  14. That's good stuff...the only thing I ever found of my 'previous writings' was a note asking the tooth fairy for exactly $7.00. A)Who leaves a letter for the tooth fairy? B)What did I want that was $7? Make YOUR kids take better notes!

  15. I think its pretty sweet your dad took you out for a run. My folks took me to the bowling alley during their league play and handed me a pocket full of quarters so I could play video games instead of them having to pay for a babysitter ;)

  16. Did you used to say mummy too? I love hearing that from little kids here.

  17. As somebody well-acquainted with the U.S. school system, I am very, very impressed with your spelling. I'm also laughing at "I got a pain in the neck." I've never heard somebody actually say that and mean it literally.

  18. Did you really grow up in England? This is why I'm doing research on journals. I find them fascinating.

  19. so DO YOU have an english accent? That would be so interesting...

  20. I think I'm going to read all your entries with an english accent from now on. Hopefully it will improve the interest all around.

  21. I did wonder if you were a British ex-pat a while ago in fact (long time lurker first time commenter) - turns of phrase and way of thinking? (Probably the sense of humour... bwahahahahah!)
    Before you said you grew up in the UK, anyway.
    The holidays would have been the Whitsun half-term (end of May) I suspect. The summer holidays go from mid-July to the start of Sep. "Village day" would have been the village fete, from the sound of it.

  22. I don't know what "village day" is but I like the sound of it.

  23. "I tried to win a football lots of times but I never did get one."

    So, this is where it all started?

  24. I'm fairly certain that my 9th graders can't write quite as well as that most days :-)


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