Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas

This will be the last post here at Half-Fast before Christmas, so I wanted to take a few minutes away from all the sarcasm and juvenile humor and wish you all a Merry Christmas. As you all stop by here today, think of this post as a personal and meaningful Christmas wish to you and your family, kind of like that scene in Christmas Vacation where all the suits walk by Chevy Chase and he wishes each of them a Merry Christmas or something along those lines.

Thank you all for taking the time to read Half-Fast. I’ll probably have a post on Friday, (not that anyone will be around to read it) but in the meantime, run hard and stay warm in this nippley weather we’re having. I’ve no doubt that you guys are the jolliest bunch of a-holes this side of the nuthouse.


  1. Merry Christmas! Christmas Vacation so appeals to my juvenile sense of humor too. "Kiss my ass, kiss your ass, kiss his ass."

  2. Am I surprised by the sincerity of this holiday wish? Oh, Eddie... If I woke up tomorrow with my head sewn to the carpet, I wouldn't be more surprised than I am now.

  3. Hahah wellll Merry Christmas to you too!

  4. Right back atcha! Have a great Holidays and such, and stay warm.

  5. in the immortal words of chevy chase, here are those three words you LOVE to hear:


    [merry christmas, vanilla!]

  6. Happy holidays to you and yours, as well! Enjoy... and make sure you get a pre-dinner run in! It's all about the calorie burn this week!

  7. merry christmas to you too! hope you get some of those anti-slip shoe thingys you were wanting :)

  8. I feel like your heart grew 3 sizes today!

  9. One of my favorite lines from that movie...

    "Merry Christmas! Shitter was full!"

    Happy holidays, Vanilla clan!

  10. Perfect Christmas movie - enjoy your holiday!


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